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New To Xr6 Turbo And Not Sure Which To Buy


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Finally get my full license in 1 month so im looking for a nice but quick daily car something that I can drag aswell but don't have to tow there.

What I want to know is what would a stock bf xr6t auto run at the drag and with light mods like a tune, upgraded exhaust, intercooler, fuel system wastegate etcc what willl that run. Just a rough estimation as to whats already been proven.

I want to stay away from the ba range because the valve springs and gearbox wont handle the conditions ill be throwing at it.

Iv seen a few xr6 turbos run good times with minor mods. Trying to find a clean xr6 turbo something with low kms and neat. What price range am I looking at? Iv done a search and there around 13 - 25k. At the same price you can get a xr6 turbo with mild modifications for the price of a stock xr6t but I would prefer something that hasn't had the guts taken out of them already.

Aw yeah 1 last thing what are the difference between a bf f6 and a xr6t performance wise.

Thanks and sorry if this is in the wrong spot.

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The basic mods, cooler and exhaust, wastegate and injectors etc will get you in the 11s. The f6 has the bigger cooler and slightly different tune performance wise.

Ps brods I did 12s in a manual with those mods

Edited by Henz
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Iv heard about all the basic of the shelf mods and that's what ill be going with.

What is the diffenece between a bf . bf mkII and mkIII ?

Would all the above mentioned mods still keep the car a reliable daily?

How much kms to full tank do you usually get?

Thanks for the replys

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Don't limit yourself to BF's either, I just bought an FG for 23 drive away. Premium sound, iPod, curtain airbags.

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  • G666E Turbo!!!
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FG's are so much nicer

Start off small, a stock FG is still faster than a tuned BA/BF

11's are easy, you just need drag radials and a tune with no torque reductions (perhaps zf tune) and I reckon you almost give it a nudge on an icy night, considering I saw a stock g6 run a 12.4 single wheeler no tune and on factory 19's, smash out a good 60ft without breaking anything and your most of the way there...

My car did 11.7's with no lsd when it dynoed 304rwkw and on 235 wide old semis not radials

To get to that kw you could do it cat injectors and tune, sure not reliable, but on the nice icy nights we have here in winter when it's not wet good time will be had

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Yeah fgs do look alot nicer than a bf.

They are easy to run good numbers but I want to drive it there and back on the same tune, fuel and tyres. Just for fun.

Iv got a rx3 so ill keep that for the low numbers. The ford would be purely for street use and ocassional trips to wsid

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You tune them exactly the same as a BF, only thing that let's them down is there turbo is limited to about 320. Ford sacrificed max power for quicker acceleration.

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  • G666E Turbo!!!
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that's the good bit, drive there and home no worries

Well unless you break a cv or bend the tailshaft

Seen plenty of much faster than my car turn up run a 10 and go home.

I run mine the way it's driven, normal everyday car with a full tank, last 10 runs I've done on radials though cos I was sick of slow times on street rubber, but some guys are getting great results on nitto invo's for a normal street tyre

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