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Any Aftermarket Ecu's That Will Run The Xr6T Yet?

zzz-ba ute

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it was a genuine question though, I think the wolf is a low level ecu and except for possibly top of the line motecs, the motec would be inferior, but just wanted calrification in case I'm incorrect

Actually is the software that is the limiting factor....not the ECU itself. My bad.

Ratter do you know why SCT doesn't have access to scaling the t-MAP sensor?

It's one of the few short falls of the software in my opinion.

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have no idea, possibly they think we do not need access to it like they thought we did not need to adjust for hi stalls a while back.

Could be a good question for Herrods or on the sct forum

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what advantages in using the wolf and the motec?

have no idea, possibly they think we do not need access to it like they thought we did not need to adjust for hi stalls a while back.

Could be a good question for Herrods or on the sct forum

WOLFs may have been a lower level ECU a few years back but it’s not the case any longer and hasnt been for a while. I was only sighting WOLF as one exmaple. These are many advantages of using an aftermarket ECUs especially the newer geneartion ECUs. For me the main one being you don’t need to load a tune into a flash tuner box and then load it into the car then do the same process over and over and over again. Most aftermarket ECUs can be tuned in real time. On the flip side the standard ECU is a cheaper option to tune for a customers car from a workshop perspective for small to med performance level application but not really the best solution for a retro fit.

Advantages of using an aftermarket ECU

tune in real time

fit a larger MAP sensor easily (Normally they have one already fitted inside ECU)

ability to run low and high impedance injectors

launch Control

auxiliary control

ability to run a cable throttle body which also means a larger TB

These are just a few off the top of my head. I also called Herrod about the t-map sensor calibration a few months back they were not sure how to do this either.

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Some good points. Interesting about the t-MAP. It's a software thing, Headsex said he has been able to do the re-calibration via his software so I'm assuming it can be done. If they can hack the zf, the sensor calibration would be a walk in the park. Like ratter said....it might just need some pushing like the stall issues of the past.

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can you run a 2 step off the transbrake using standard ford pcm one that's pops off and make it look like your motor is exploding I wish someone would do a right up on how to install a haltech or motec or put a link up for me.

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I'm pretty sure you need a clutch for a "2 step"

The transbrake is doing what the 2 step will anyway. Both items are there to build boost while the car is stationary.

The t/brake locks first and reverse gear together to load up the motor and build boost. The 2 step creates sort of a rev limiter for the motor to hit at a pre-defined rpm which will also create load and build boost.

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