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Best Alarm With Gps Tracking


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Hi All,

**I'm sure this has been done, but the results I am getting from the site are all quite dated.

Seeking an alarm system for a new F6; more specifically, something with GPS tracking and notifications via iphone app, keypad or similar.

As a motor vehicle theft investigator, I know the harsh reality of this industry and that all the ant-theft devices in the world won't stop it being stolen. Finding it again (and finding it fast) is the key.

1. Anyone personally had a similar system installed recently?

2. Can anyone recommend a (trustworthy) alarm supplier and installer in Melbourne?

Thanks boys!

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VIPER alarms might be what you are looking for . I have one fitted to my car with a few extra options . couldn't fault it never missed a beat or played up .

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I'm pretty sure these cars are nigh on impossible to steal without a legit key. Almost all the stories I've read have been people who've lost a key or has the key stolen.

There has also been the odd one picked up by a truck and taken away, but I can't remember any being hotwired.

In these instances (especially with a key) the alarm isnt going to go off.

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don't need to start it or even set off the alarm to steal it if they know what they are doing, which is why GPS tracking is a must

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Thank you sexual harrassment Panda - Looks like you actually read the post.

Do you have a GPS alarm at the moment?

To the others: Motor Vehicle Theft Investigation is what I do... Feel free to ask me questions

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Unfortunately I don't have an alarm at the moment, but am in the market for a good one. Which is why I was reading this thread.

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User Headsex has something to do with a GPS trackin system, he may know more.

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Thanks Henz..

Yeah, we run a Fleet management company which basically does this. Our units however are not car alarms.

They update our server every 2 minutes with the ignition on.

In the event the vehicle is moved without ignition (ie, tow truck). It sends out "Tow" reports.

They also have a built in battery backup which will give you at least 12 hours of updates if the battery is cut.

We do have a few customers who are car enthusiasts, but most of our customers are fleets, ie, more then 20 vehicles.

As our business is targeted for Fleets, we provide additional reports they find useful. In saying that, the service we offer might be cost prohibitive. but I guess it depends on how much you love your car :)

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I'm current using a gps tracker, Works a treat. You set a GeoFence and if the car goes out of the arear its send you a txt of it location and speed. Also another handy feature is the remote shut down. Unfortunatly its not an alarm, just a tracker. I have however seen a few around that are both.

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