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Buying A Brand New Lemon From Ford


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Can't be too hard to figure out the president's email address...

As I've said many, many times on these forums, complaining to the dealer is like complaining to the owner of a bottle shop that your beer is no good-they don't really have anything to do with it. Go straight to Ford and start to shake it up. Once this stuff reaches the right ears you'll be amazed at the change in attitude. Not what we want to think happens but we all have terrible dealer stories.

I'd encourage anyone who feels strongly enough about their dealer experience to write to ford. Internally the talk globally is all about "go further", time to demand a bit more effort here.

I have a f6. The day after I picked it up the windscreen cracked in half, dealer didn't want to know me.

f*ckers..... Were do I start thow I was dealing with the skanks at CRC who handle all ford consumer probs but they would only put me threw to there manager witch surprise surprise was a f*ckin women, She pritty much told me to stop calling and have my sh*t second hand car

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  • Get on the end of it.....
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  • Member For: 19y 2m 18d
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  • Location: CQ

What about facebook is there a law about posting or starting a page on facebook about what happened to my piece of sh*t car? I posted a massive speal on a ranger page and it was takin off straight away lol

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I had a new ranger doing exactly the same thing, had fault codes for injector driver errors, we sent ids session file to ford who said replace the pcm.... All is fixed never seen the car back that took all of a week because current ids software is unable to flash these pcms so service engineering have to do it first which is a pain in the ass, id be happy to have a look if you can get it to me in brisbane shoot us a pm

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  • Member For: 13y 6m 9d
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want a new ranger? F**k them and just drive the ute through the shop window and into all there cars hitting everything. you have insurance im sure and know your premiums will go up but they dont consider how many cars you hit haha. will be a huge night mare for ford to fix and you have to try and make it look like an accident :wasklywabbit:

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