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New Toy - Brake Fluid Tester


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  • Member For: 16y 7m 22d
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  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

Actually, it's now an old toy - I bought this in May last year and thought that I'd mentioned it on here as well. Thanks to speed bleeders and some other things that I now have in place, flushing brake fluid is now a fairly simple task.

Whilst looking for something else that Wurth make, I came across this gadget on a web site. It's got two metal prongs poking out the bottom of it. You dip those prongs into brake fluid, press a little button and it tells you how much water is in the brake fluid.

This is VERY useful. Water and brake fluid are a bad combination. Moisture in brake fluid makes it crap... brakes don't work properly and it's time to flush and replace the fluid. I actually do this with my taxi every three to six months, but will be doing it much more regularly once I figure out how to do it quicker than the couple of hours it currently takes me (ie I'm still trying to figure out the best gadget for that).

I paid $123.00 for this thing at Wurth in Balcatta yesterday (28 Mumford Place, Balcatta, 9240 9500). Of course, once I got home and searched eBay for "brake fluid tester" I found heaps of others on there for as little as $30. Ah well, this one is a quality gadget and I'll probably have it for many years.

For someone who is serious about vehicle maintenance then this is a good gadget to have. The Wurth part number is 071553200. Do a Google search for that number (and Wurth) for more info.

For a car, you would remove the reservoir cap, check the fluid and put the cap back on. Whole process would take less than 60 seconds.

Link: http://wurth.com.au/...df=A05_0013.pdf

Damn... Whilst looking for that link I just found a heap of other useful stuff I wanna buy...



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  • Member For: 16y 7m 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

Well, look at that. Was sure that I posted it on here originally. Did searches for Wurth, Balcatta and the part number (071553200) and all came up blank, so posted it. Bugger.

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