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Going Crazy On A G6Et... Build.


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Car is at Blue Power :)

2 stage transmission swap is underway!

First is to take the original and stock ZF out and send it off to Nizpro for their Stage 2 treatment. Replace that ZF with another ZF that will keep me going for the time being... waiting... like Christmas for the Nizpro trans to come back :)

Hopefully before the close... Calder have 1 more night where I'll be in my car with the fresh and stock replacement ZF to go for a 10 with the tune untouched. Then when the Nizpro trans comes back we'll go right after it :) Bring it on!

Jack :spoton:

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Should have gone Yarra Valley...

nizpro "unbreakable" autos are breaking everywhere!

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Care to elaborate more, please?

On a brighter note :)

Picked up my car from Blue Power this afternoon after work. I've just driven it home and it's tight as a drum! It's suprising when you live with something (in this case it's my car) everyday it changes a lot but you never really notice it... that is until something on the way out is replaced with a new item.

Wow is all I can say. What had started to feel a bit saggy and flat is now just stunning. My car is back! And it's better, from a drive perspective, than when it was first modified back in February!

I can also say that the tiring ZF in the car was making heaps of noise. I was blaming the Harrop and the tailshaft for the noise... wrongly. It was the ZF telling me it was calling time out.

To Blue Powers credit it wasn't just a matter of take one out and put the new one in. First of all the valve body needs to stay with and be installed in the new transmission. Done. Install in car and away we go?


Go for a test drive and it's shifting all over the place, flaring and banging changes. This is with the ZF tune that car already had. Simple fix, chuck the stock ZF tune in?

Nup. Worse... bit of uh oh... what the F have we done lol

Hmm... start new ZF tune from scratch. Fixed?

Yes, I've been told to take it easy for a couple of hundred kms to let the new ZF learn it's way around my car and what not. Apparently it still has an intermittent flare on some hard changes but it isn't repeatable. Something that will have to be massaged out of the ZF tune in time unless the car learns it's way out of it. Too easy.

So there you go :)

Jeez it's great to have my car back. I had a brand spanking new Nissan Almera sedan for 3 days. What a flogs car... everything that is wrong with cars is right there on show!

Jack :spoton:

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I keep hearing u have to keep the same valve body with the new trans ( old v/b new zf ) but I know that xft do close to 6hrs work alone on the v/b ( I spoke with simon ) so if u send off a donor zf to be rebuilt u then remove half the " built " part

Aparentlt bf's can be dodged but fg's need the donor ecu aswell

Its actually got me farked as I want to get a zf send it off and do a swop over b4 it decides to blow up ( current one )

Did blue power say anything about this ?

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