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Going Crazy On A G6Et... Build.


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You are thinking of Zeitronix shy. I would definitely get one if I was using e85.

Freaky, I don't hate it at all. I am just saying there is a greater risk when using it from the pump. Not going to go on about it here cause its not my thread but feel free to come out for a chat tomorrow night.

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Go ahead mate :) I'm interested as much as anything. Outwardly E85 has no downside and you are saying there is? What happens to the pump stuff? Is it not consistent?

Jack :spoton:

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Well before jet or anyone else using united thinks I'm a hater I'm not. I would use it if I had a bottom end to handle it. Doesn't mean it is without its risks.

Biggest risk when buying pump fuel is that you don't know exactly what you are putting in your car. You cannot see it, smell it or test it. Our PCM's cannot change fuel maps on the fly like the commodores' one can so if the ethanol content does change or the fuel is contaminated the PCM has no way of correcting itself. Sure timing can be pulled but its still not what you would consider "safe". So without a way to analyse the fuel how do you know what is going into your car?

The people that use it are pretty much counting on united or caltex to give them the right fuel. If there is something wrong with the supply or the tanker or the servo then how do you know?

Drum e85 is a little different. The fuel goes from the supplier straight to you. There could even be more stringent testing and quality control because it is mainly used for racing.

Everyone using e85 whether it is from the pump or drum getting insane results and it still is a great fuel I am just saying that sometimes when a lot of people are doing the same thing it is a bit difficult to stop for a moment and think.

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Ok,lets say you tune the car for E85 and you test the stuff from United before it goes in,it will come back at a minimum of 85% I can guarantee you.The A/F ratio on E85 can be kept at 11.5:1 up top without hurting power stuff all and this will give you the scope for lets say some E88 from United(assuming its inconsistent)the A/F will not go above 12.0:1 still meaning everyone's still happy,even E90 wont have it detonation occuring providing nothing else has changed.Heck,im running pump at 11.0:1 and she aint hurting power that badly.

Yes there is a minute amount of pump inconsistency but this normally is when comparing different United's to one another,if you keep at the one servo the chance of % change decreases from experience.

Hope this makes sense and eases some minds.Understand her tolerance and then start looking into how it should be used or you may miss out on the next best thing since sliced bread.

Same if not more power on less boost is how its stuck in my head and having a 160k spaghetti rod motor this appeals to me lol.

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Thanks for the extra detail there lads :)

More information helps makes far better decisions when and if the time comes! Now... us inner northern suburbs fellas here in Melbourne need some pump E85 lovin' so at least we have then get make the decision!

Jack :spoton:

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good write up 2256

I cant find the link to the gauge that displays the ethanol content


oh wait I found it lol


Edited by Ford Freak
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