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Going Crazy On A G6Et... Build.


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Alright, it's update time again :)

The new tailshaft is in the car and mickey mouse! Very happy with it indeed. I has helped to quieten the driveline noise I had started to get in the last couple of months. The centre bearing in the old one was munted anyway so that would account for that...

I'll be heading out to Heathcote on Sunday if anyone is interested for a bit of fun too! Would be cool to put a face to a few names here!

My brand spanking ZF has been dropped off at the skunk works that is Blue Power in Campbellfield. Billet input shaft will be going in along with a full performance rebuild to suit, it's all a bit secret squirrel at the moment but talk of extra clutches as well and a couple of tricks to be performed too so it'll be all good! As I was at work when Theo rang it made it a bit difficult to discuss as I was busy.

I've taken the BBS wheels off the car too, back to the stealth bomber look with just the factory wheels :) it's a farkin slippery customer on only a 245 tyre, even if it is the top of the street tyre tree from Toyo. Good fun on 2nd gear skates though!

Jack :spoton:

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No worries Steve, that's what it's all about mate :)

The more 10 sec Falcons on the street the better I say! I'm just trying to get there without a major failure along the way :) if that means that others can learn along the way too then all the better!

When is the GTX going on?

Jack :spoton:

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Excellent idea mate. The blown/broken tailshaft takes too much collateral damage along with it under the car for it not to be a huge consideration when powering right up!

You'll love it! Good things come to those who wait mate... GTX!

Jack :spoton:

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cummon jack more hardware in that thing that u can poke a stick out bring on the 10's

good luck champ

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There is Jet... a 10 is on the way.

Not a 10.99 either. Remember though mate... I am dealing with 98RON pump unleaded. No E85 for me unfortunately. It just isn't available in my area to make it viable.

I am not interested in dropping fuel, draining tanks and going 20kms out of my way to get fuel... especially when I am doing over 600kms a week already in my car with my work commitments.

Jack :spoton:

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buy a 44 of it, trust me the E85 and the GTX is a brilliant combo ! You will never want to change back to 98, I hated swapping back, losing 55kw is never fun. Need to figure out a better way to switch the fuels, I am working on something to make it easier but lack of time means its going to be slow, just working on a switch and a line I can pull on the car, and just pump new fuel into the tank and return into another tank until its bled, but again its a pain in the arse either way.

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My issue wal is that I live in an apartment. Storage is an issue for starters. After my 6 spot Brembo's were stolen from my 'secure' cage in the underground carpark I don't reckon a 44 of E85 will last too long down there either...

I completely understand the E85 thing. I really do. For me though it just isn't a viable thing...

If I run E85 in my car then I run it. Everyday. The car is tuned for it, engineered for it with a fuel system to back it up too.

Right now it just isn't viable unfortuately.

Jack :spoton:

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There is Jet... a 10 is on the way.

Not a 10.99 either. Remember though mate... I am dealing with 98RON pump unleaded. No E85 for me unfortunately. It just isn't available in my area to make it viable.

I am not interested in dropping fuel, draining tanks and going 20kms out of my way to get fuel... especially when I am doing over 600kms a week already in my car with my work commitments.

Jack :spoton:

I shall lol at your 10.99 comment because talk is very cheap, time slips say otherwise

u have the ability to run a mix, but u wont need it u have everything in that car, get the "tune on"

is that mph current to the rwkw ?

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