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Not Enough Fuel Or Not Enough Spark? Or? Arrhh Help!


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yeah its weird, today running the flash tune, fine no miss fire sound nothing ran smooth and boosted hard :) but then another day it will run like sh*t! so confused!

yeah I guess chuck it on a dyno and have it testest check it all out to diognose the problem!

can I get a tune straight to the ecu??

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Could it be pinging? that brrrrrr sound doesn't sound good mate.. I wouldn't be giving it any till I got it on a dyno and looked at.. Esp when it isn't happening with the std tune is flashed in, means the 11psi tune isn't right.. Are your spark plugs gapped to .8mm?

Generic tunees aren't any good as all cars are different and react different to the same mods done... basically your mods on my car would require a different tune to run right..

Xcal 1's as the others have said are worthless now, you could buy a xcal 3 for around $700 and get your ecu tuned, or VCM or Sniper to get the ecu tuned, not sure how much that costs though..

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  • Member For: 13y 4m 7d
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cheers heaps guys :) ill deffs get it down for a dyno test and then a vcm tune :)

but yeah heres a list of what I have read on forums and heard that my issue could be...

-boost solenoid clean ( I did it and wow what a difference)

-coils packs ( did not show up with an error code on a diognostics scan tool) (boostworx in SA say they dont show up??)

-fuel filter and fuel pump (done both, fresh filter and walbro intank gss340 pump)

-sticky wastegate and throttle body cleanout (lubes and cleand both)

- MAP sensor and oxygen sensors (scan tool again there fine but did replace coolant temp sensor)

- boost lines to the turbo compressor to the boost solenoid to the wastgate actuator spit? (check all are fine)

- blocked cat? ( there is some heat discolouration and some people think it sounds blockd but others dont?)

- fuel injectors ( not coping with 11psi? or just old or blocked? (full tank of bp 100 octane and injector cleaner)

- spark plugs and gapping (done)

and ive heard rubish about disconect ecu battery etc etc and over boost, factory ecu cut out, traction controll...

and now valve spring issues..

mind you my car now has 150,000kms could any of these things mensiond just be old and this happens?

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  • Member For: 13y 4m 7d
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its not pinging, its more of a missfire mate:) if it was pinging illd be getting rid of it asap ! but yeah xcal 1 ima get rid of and just get a straight tune to my ecu :) having 150,000kms I dont wanna run high boost

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 7d
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Id say it is tune related more so than anything mechanical, as you've sussed out most things that it could be..

Maybe its leaning out? does it happen with a full tank of fuel? My walbro when near 1/2 a tank would surge, drop power as if traction control kicked it, ran rough for a while too.. Who fitted it? some places don't know how to fit these properly and with the right hoses too..

Edited by MiKa
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  • Member For: 13y 4m 7d
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my plugs where gapped to .75 or .7

my walbro pump was fitted by a mechanic seemed like its fiited fine.. maybe its the AFR

Yeah the brr sounds kinda feels like traction and sounds like it too but more like a missfire

today running 1/4 tank shes boosting fine? no clue whats going on! maybe I should just vcm tune it :) and yeah 150,000kms the car has done maybe it has original coils and they have sh*t themselfs? but yeah for sure chuck it on dyno asap for a test and diognose it :)

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