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Aca's "rev-Head Roundup" Report Tonight


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Apologies if already posted, I had a quick look with no results.

ACA aired this feature tonight about hoons and their modified cars, what are your thoughts?


Personally, what I think they are doing is over the top. Sure, they are weeding out are few of the bad crops in their Hondas with fart cannons, but at the same time dealing a lot of hassle and pain on us others.

They had exactly the same setup on the Hume Hwy on the way to summernats this year from Sydney's West.

I was travelling with a mate in his WB ute (Barely modified, 308, 5 speed supra box, exhaust) when we got pulled over, along with every single other car that looked as if they were travelling to the Nats. (Probably about 40 other's parked there just at the time we were there, along with about ~30 HWP Patrolling the short stretch)

We were doing exactly the right thing, only going to spectate, in no rush and well under the posted speed limit.

We left there with 2 infringement notices adding to $600+ dollars.

1st, which was admittedly our fault, was a gas bottle which was buried in the tray under all the secured camping gear, which they searched through and found, therefore issuing a $353 fine for an unsecured load.

2nd, the exhaust was 3db over the limit, which incurred a $280 fine.

Now, we aren't too sure how they did the exhaust check as they have to check it at a certain rpm (they are controlling throttle), and our ute doesn't have a tacho.

All in all, we got out of there pretty easily compared to a lot of others there and luckily my mate couldn't be defected as it is registered in WA, so only fines.

Anyway, that ends my rant, share your thoughts.

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ACA = dogs who make sh!t to feed mushrooms

same with today tonight et al

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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"The operation starts at 7pm, within minutes a blue subaru...."

Looks very much like an evo to me.

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Today Tonight had a similar thing on Monday night about a guy and his mates who film hoons and send the videos in to the Police. Looks like they were going after people doing burnouts and street racing.

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  • I <3 Floods
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"The operation starts at 7pm, within minutes a blue subaru...."

Looks very much like an evo to me.

When this came on my wife calls me into the lounge room to say 'See we're lucky we sold the WRX' and after noticing the blue evo I had a laugh..

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The hoon stuff is getting so out of hand. I recently upset someone when we were driving north from Christchurch to go on holiday, now all I did was pass a bunch of slow buggers that werent even going to attempt to pass the slow van at the front of the line. I did that from about 5 or 6 cars back in my ute as in my sig with the jetski in tow behind me.

Carry on all the way along the coast and then get pulled up by the cops as someone rang in and said I was racing. Needless to say I laughed when he said that (its a very twisty road were I was so with a trailer on definitely no speed involved). But what gets me is the fact someone can ring in and tell a lie get me pulled up to waste my time and have nothing done to them about it.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Same thing used to happen in my WRX.. It was a friggin loud car.. Just driving down people's streets annoying neighbours would call the cops and say I was hooning. (I had one point left on my license.. I was driving like a saint).

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In all seriousness why would anyone watch these stupid "current affair" shows anyway? They do this hoon thing once ever couple of months along with dodgy builders, fruit that gives you cancer and banks who god forbid act like a proper business and not a charity for poor idiots to get themselves into more debt.

I dont waste my time getting worried about this.

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