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Where Is The Bcm An A Ba


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hey guys I hust got myself a written off 5 speed ba xr6 for a donor vehicle.

its been sitting with a flat battery for a good 8 months, I put a new battery in but no luck.

my radio is showing CODE with ign on ( as soon as you turn ign on it should talk to bcm and power up )

there is no crank, a few of the dash lights drop out as normal on crank but the little hand with the key and the red (!) flash up,

im guessing dead bcm but im just guessing.

I have a snap-on ETHOS scan tool but its pretty much useless for anything bigger than resetting seatbelt and airbag codes.

any help would be great.

I want to have a quick drive to make sure sure everything works ok


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PCM is in the engine bay.

BEM is under the ICC.

If they're not trained for the same car they won't get along.

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BEM is part of the ICC. you will need to get it reset by ford if you want it to talk to another car. check all connectors at the PCM and BEM. Disconnect and connect everything just to make sure its all good.

Make sure you get it working on that car before pulling stuff out. Otherwise you will spend a lot of time chasing your tail.

Edited by Paulie2256
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the icc hasnt been changed out, the guy said he turned the car off after it hit the pole it got towed away and he never tried starting it since then.

im trying to make sure it all works before I pull it out and fit it into my ED

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Ive heard (working in a ford dealership) that if they sit for a long enough period of time without a battery the bem resets itself and will show code on the icc, which means taking it to a ford dealership and having the keys and module reset or else it will never work.

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But its not the pcm that has anything to do with memory retention, its bem module (underneath the icc) that retains the cars code information and when its right (as in keys and everything is coded properly) it tells the pcm to start. Not the other way around. If its lost code then that would explain why it won't start.

Edited by matt036
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Yes, but the car has had a pretty major hit in the side. My money is the ICC has been dislodged and this is causing the code issue. The security functions are written in flash memory into the BEM, the settings cant be lost due too a flat battery.

Look for obvious damage and work backwards from there.

OP are you 110% sure you've been given the correct keys for the car? no damage too the ignition barrel receiver for the security system? No damage too the PCM connectors?

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