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Intercooler Piping Problems


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I figure intercoller piping questions belong in intercooler workshop?

im a recent ford convert over from the general, bought an BA mk1 XR6T just over a week ago, having a few problems, wich I expected with a modified car this age.


car is modified in the form of:

JPL intercooler stage 2 (never heard of them...receipt came with car)

green siemens injectors (receipt from C&V in Car $700)

SCT flash tuner (receipt with car C&V + tune)

has a "bolt on" performance looking exhaust not standard

F6 airbox (recepit in car)

K&N Filter

my mate also reckons the turbo not original, has finny number on it and looks newer than everything in the engine bay.

braided oil lines with inline filter


when I purchased the car none of the above was mentioned in the ad, just said "has work done"

turns out the guy I bought the car off only bought it months prior with all this done...had no clue.

car was poorly maintaind by the guy I bought it off, obviously having no respect as he didnt outlay all the cash for the mods.

clunking suspension

rear diff crook

turbo bolts loose etc etc

now my problem is:

if I give it a gutful, keeps blowing intercooler pipes off, originally the rubber one from the throttle body to the crossover was completley destroyed, when I picked the car up... I was like wow this is disapointing... only when I got home (4hr drive) and poped the bonnet I relised it was getting no boost.. ordered new genuine part, doest seem to fit, corectly/ easily?ose clamps end up jamming on the throttle body/ doesnt look right?

one end is like SQUARE CUT...the other end is tapered??? doesnt sit right either way?

so then I just fited a piece of blue silicon pipe I had, I dont like it but I cant get the genuine one to sit right, so I did the clamps up real tight sweet, checked the others tight...test drive.. got boost! for about 20 mins... then put my foot down to show my mate what the car goes like......POOOOOOFT...... blew the other side off....

what the hell is the go? its running std boost... im only basing this on the tune in the SCT wich is only a 98 octane tune/ no psi setting?

the cross over pipe looks dodgy too, not very secure?

is thi common?! is so annoying....

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Take it down to a reputable tuner and get them to throw it up on the dyno to see whats happening should cost to much $50/80/100 bucks no more. Then you will know where your at. But probability is that you will need money to fix this, or at least get it running properly, Cheers

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I'd say the guy you bought it off got rid of it so soon for a reason, any particular reason you bought it? Doesn't sound like a very good buy.

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$10,000-sold because his new girlfreind wont get in a ford..... :girlhospital:

body wise- mint not a dent or scratch... its silohette...with 20"argents...4 x new tyres, premium sound interior in mint condition

(owner was a car detailer...owned his own buisness)

8 months reg

128,000kms. when you can keep the pipes on.... the things insane. dyno sheets 296.3rwkw

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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Hopefully it's nothing too dramatic and is cheap to fix and you've got yourself a well priced beauty by the sounds of it :)

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