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Bfxr6 Blown Engine & Turbo Ford Extended Warranty Claim Refused

Karen Pascoe

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Hi Everyone, I have a BF MK II XR6 Turbo that has been sitting in a Ford dealers yard in Melbourne for a year. The turbo blew causing the engine to go and it was 100 km under the extended warranty km limit. Because the last service was done interstate and they didn't stamp the book, the dealer has refused to fix it under warranty and as I have cancer I cant afford to pay the $7000 they want to charge me to fix it. Today they told me they will buy it for $3000 or they will report it to the police as a dumped car and have it removed. I cant afford to take them to VCAT to try to have this resolved and my illness makes me unfit to fight it out with them either. This car was my pride and joy I saved a long time to buy it from a dealer I has used many times before over the years and as much as I am mad as hell that they wont fix it, I need to get it repaired as I may have to sell it to pay for my next round of cancer treatment. Does anyone have any ideas on how I might resolve this or any ideas on how I could get it running again for less than the $7000 they are quoting me. I hate the thought of having to sell my beloved car but I may have no choice and selling it running is obviously going to be a better option. Thanks in advance for your help.Oh and I have been a member for a long time but I cant remember my user details so I just used my Facebook to get in here to ask. My 2 girls told me to get on here and ask, thank god for teens and Facebook I say lol. Thank you for any ideas you have to help me sort this out.

Edited by Karen Pascoe
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Oh and I have been a member for a long time but I cant remember my user details so I just used my Facebook to get in here to ask. My 2 girls told me to get on here and ask, thank god for teens and Facebook I say lol. Thank you for any ideas you have to help me sort this out.

Edited by Karen Pascoe
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Sorry to hear about your situation. Has the car been sitting there for a year due to the dealer awaiting payment to go ahead with repairs? Might be good to name said dealer as someone on this site might have some influence on the matter on your behalf. I assume the vehicle wasn't modified at all? Plus with your last service, do you have any receipts/ invoices of the service, it should state the kms at the time, regardless of the book being stamped or not. This might help, if you produced it to the dealer to warrant your claim. The others on here will hopefully be able to help you further, and make things easier.

Today they told me they will buy it for $3000 or they will report it to the police as a dumped car and have it removed.

This threat is ridiculous, understandable due to the length of time there. Don't let them push you into selling, as someone on here might be interested in buying the car for more than the $3000. How many kms on the clock.

Take care.

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worth more than 3k

do you have insurance? try that instead of the warranty.

Have they told you what's wrong with the motor? have they done any work on it in the past year?

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Blown motor is mechanical issue.. Insurance only pays out if it catches fire or something..

Have you considered getting a local newspaper or current affairs program involved?

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That's a terrible story but doesn't supprise me one bit when it comes to Ford customer service. Deffinitly help if you have receipts of the service?

What dealer is it?

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1. It doesnt matter where a car is serviced in terms of warranty. As long as you can prove this service regardless of log book stamp (eg; invoice, credit car statement etc) then prima facie you are covered under warranty. If car is modified, service wasn't done by a professional etc, then that is a different matter.

2. Legal Aid may handle this for you at VCAT. Explain to them the facts, illness and financial situation and they may consider it - as on the surface it appears utterly unacceptable. L-Aid tend to focus on criminal/domestic matters, such as family violence, but would be worth applying for a grant in the circumstances. They can only say no.

Either way, best of luck.

ps: If all the information is true, you should name the Dealer so all members are aware of this now and in future.

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Sorry to hear of your circumstances. But your last service will be on the dealers system so get a print out

as this will help your case for warranty.

Have you tried Fraud Head Office ?

Failing that contact one of our advertisers as Fraud will cost you a lot more.

This just reeks of Frauds after market service in general.

I seriously hope you get it all sorted and your health back on track

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Was the Extended Warranty from the Dealer or from Ford Motor Company of Australia?

If it was from the Dealer, try often require all services to be done at that particular dealer in which case you may be out of luck.

If it was from Ford themselves, it doesn't matter who services it. As long as you have a receipt, you are covered.

I would contact Ford Head Office and explain what's happened. If it hasn't been modified, hopefully they'll give the dealer a kick and get them to start work on it.

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