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Gearbox Limp Mode


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  • Member For: 13y 9m 14d

Ok recentley my 2003 BA xr6 turbo has been going into to limp mode frequentley, we put it on a scanner and it came up with s5 solenoid error code. It was getting so bad that just hitting a bump or even driving along a highway it would go into limp mode, we are currently taking the s5 out and will replace it, does anybody have any other ideas on what it could be , certain local mechanics don't seem to know the answer.

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  • Member For: 13y 8m 7d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Oak Flats

I had a few issues with mine going into limp mode last year. Mine was due to blocked filter and filthy trans fluid. Can you hear any other noises like a whine or whir in D driving normal? or holding gears longer than usual or flaring when in P mode? If I were you id be dropping the pan, replacing with steel pan, new fluid and a trans cooler. This should help you from fhkin your heat exchange and enjoying an expensive ZF milk shake.

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