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Surge/shudder When Starting

Terri Eagle

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Imagine you have one foot firmly on the foot brake. The other foot is pumping the accelerator repeatedly. The car wants to jump forward and rocks back and forth.

That is exactly what happens when I start my car, except I am not actually doing the whole pumping the accelerator thing. It only occurs when the car is cold. Car is in park, foot on brake, turn the ignition, car starts and then does the weird surge/rock thing 8-10 times. It is not a slight rock, it is really obvious! So obvious that I've had a few friends and my mother ask me wtf I am doing; nothing mum, I swear!! Foot nowhere near accelerator!

It ONLY does it when cold. It drives perfectly normally once the surge stops. I can't make it repeat the movement until the engine is cold again.

Any ideas?

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No. It doesn't do it in neutral. The second I put it back in drive it shudders again. In neutral it starts normally. Slide it into drive an it shudders. Slide it into neutral quickly and it stops. Back into drive and it shudders. 8-10 times and then it's done.

I have no clue.

Dirty fuel filter? Idle issue?

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I had a similar problem. Same thing would happen but also when in neutral and the ac came on it started surging as well. I spoke to my brother who is a Ford Master Tech and he said he had just come back from Melbourne and they covered this issue which they said was very common. I took my car in and he done what is called a PCM Teartag calibration. Since then (2 months ago) I haven't had an issue.

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Super, thanks! I appreciate the answer, I hate going in and saying "it does this weird thing". Everytime I do that they tell me "we couldn't find what you were talking about". Or as I sometimes suspect, "we didn't bother looking".

It's twice as bad being a girl... "We didn't bother looking, but we have a nice pretty second hand Festiva you should consider; look how shiney it is!"

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