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I'm Over It. Engine Blew Up.


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So why are you pulling it apart if your warranty covers it?

You might actually be hurting your chances of getting the claim through by messing with it first.

If one of my customers came in looking for a warranty claim after they had pulled it apart they'd leave disappointed.

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Agree completely, don't touch it, take it straight back. I would have rang them and made them aware as soon as it happened.

Used car warranties usually aren't worth the piece of paper its written on too.

They'd be stupid to offer one on a tuned car in my opinion.

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So why are you pulling it apart if your warranty covers it?

You might actually be hurting your chances of getting the claim through by messing with it first.

If one of my customers came in looking for a warranty claim after they had pulled it apart they'd leave disappointed.

It's only covered for $2500 for the motor, I want to know what's wrong with it first.

It will cost way more than 2500 to fix what's wrong properly, through a mechanic, I would recon about a grand just to pull in down in labour.

If the bottom end survived, it might be just a head reco of a couple of valves.

If that's all it is, I'll put it back together and tell the mech exactly what's wrong,

If I drop it off and have no idea what's busted, I might as well be a chick in a dress, and get ripped.

No offence to any mechanics out there, but I've seen and heard some dodgy sh#t in my life.

Best one was an expensive valve replacement on a chics honda, but the head had never come off, WTF !!!!!!

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what area are you in?

ask around for a reputable workshop and take it there.

you can then be sure that you are not getting ripped.

hope it turns out better than what it sounds like atm, best of luck

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I got an inlaw coming over for xmass lunch, he has a mate who's management at a big ford dealer, so should be able to organise a fair dinkum assesment of what it's going to cost.

Just read through the head removal procedure, in the manual, it's been at least 20 years since I pulled down a motor and rebuilt it, an old 308 is pretty basic compared to this thing.

so might just leave it, at least at this stage I can get someone to look at it, and get the head taken off to have a look, all the fidly crap will already be off it.

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I pulled out the plugs, and removed the belt, it locks turning by hand really hard once it got to a cam lift. Are the cams very high lift and hard to turn over with a 2 foot long bar ??

I figured it was F***kd so I cranked the car on the starter, spins freely ??

Put every thing back on, tried to fire up, just spins with what feels like no compression at all and a back fire.

What ever's bent it aint good.

It's got a extended warranty, but they always try to get out of those.

Covered up to $2500 for engine damage, I recon it will cost alot more for ford to try and fix it. ??

so I'm tempted to diagnose myself, I recon it might be cheaper to get it fixed myself if it's just the valves.

But If I pull it down and it's totally stuffed, then I've lost $2500 in possible warranty.

Wooo HOO.

yes the cams are very high lift in these !! that's why valve springs are such a weakness. not that this is your plroblem though, what car is it mate ? and manual or auto ? bad luck hope it gets fixed.

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It's totally stuffed. All inlet and exhaust valves are bent, they all have clearances around 1mm from the rocker to the top of the valve stem.

The bottom end would have also overlaoded the bearings.

There's aluminium imbedded into the timing chain, so there's alot of work to do to get this motor running again.

My plan is at this stage.

Buy a new long motor $9,000 Minus $2500 warranty = $6500

Sell the car with brand new engine, should get a good price with new donk, and stock ecu settings.

Rebuild the old motor when I have time, put a starter motor on it to show compression tests, and sell it. $6500

should put me a couple of grand out of pocket only depending on what the best price is I can get for a new long motor.

Last turbo I ever buy, nightmare from start to finish.

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Can't really blame the car mate. It is modified. These things are more likely to happen on modified cars.

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