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I'm Over It. Engine Blew Up.


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  • Member For: 19y 7m 11d
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Feel for you mate, but you have to go one way or the other..

Either way, not nice this time of year.. Best of luck with it, ensure you REALLY get down to what caused this situation.

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I pulled out the plugs, and removed the belt, it locks turning by hand really hard once it got to a cam lift. Are the cams very high lift and hard to turn over with a 2 foot long bar ??

I figured it was F***kd so I cranked the car on the starter, spins freely ??

Put every thing back on, tried to fire up, just spins with what feels like no compression at all and a back fire.

What ever's bent it aint good.

It's got a extended warranty, but they always try to get out of those.

Covered up to $2500 for engine damage, I recon it will cost alot more for ford to try and fix it. ??

so I'm tempted to diagnose myself, I recon it might be cheaper to get it fixed myself if it's just the valves.

But If I pull it down and it's totally stuffed, then I've lost $2500 in possible warranty.

Wooo HOO.

.......FG F6 short is only $2900?
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I think I'll send it off to ford for a quote, see what they can find.

I suspect the fuel issue was electronic (ecu maybe)

and if that's sorted, then move onto a pull down and rebuild.

Head reco should'nt be too much, and I was told a short BA2 F6 block was about $2500 from ford.

wish I hadn't called the warranty guys, otherwise some jewish lightning could have been an option LOL

Thanks everyone for the responses, have a good crissy, I know what I'll be doing,, getting hammered, why not, no car to drive.


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Late tomorrow, I'll start ripping things off again, this time I'll keep going till I see any damage.

I should be able to measure the valve return before the head comes off.

if the valves are bent, then I'll take off the head, and then should be able to measure if the pistons do full strokes. if they don't then it's time to sell my a#s on the streets for the rest.

if it's nackered, I'll try to get a ford dealer to confirm the parts cost, and try to get as many parts under warranty for $2500 through the dealer, then install myself.

My misses is rubbing her hands together right now " I told you so" "Sell it and buy a Hyundai Gets"

My response " I love you, but GET F######D."

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