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Scary Turbo Grinding Noises


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Hi Guys,

I just bought a 2005 BF Turbo Ute. Its done just over 101,000kms and has few modifications. About a week ago the turbo started making a slow grinding noise everytime I would turn the car off, even with alot of careful driving and idling.

Tonight whilst driving, the turbo started making a much higher pitched noise above 2500rpm. Sounded like metal grinding on metal very quickly. The slower grinding noise when I turn the car off sounds like the bearings and this new noise is just scary.

Does anyone have an idea on what the problem is? Also does it sound like I would need to replace the turbo and how much would this cost roughly? as I spent all my money on buying the car.

Also if I were to drive the car, could metal shavings get into the engine? Think I'll be catching the bus to work tomorrow.



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Dont drive it until you or someone else checks it out. Pull off the hose and feel the compressor wheel.( when its cooled down)

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As above mate Sorry to hear!

Shavings can get into your motor and cause even worse issues. I would not drive your car

and I would drain your oil and inspect it for the obvious.

alot of people on here who haven't upgraded their oil supply line and screen filter eventualy have the same problem as you.

If your housing isn't too badly damaged you can repair replace (1250) standard core or you can upgrade to the GTX3582 core ($1700ish)

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Mate, bad luck - exact same thing (rattling noise when car off, then grinding (like a chef sharpening knives!) whilst driving, then so bad I couldn't accelerate and turbo absolutely %^&$ed....all in a week)

You could rebuild but I personally went the reco turbo track - got one for $750 off ebay, then $700 to fit (which was more than it should have been, thought it would be around $400 - but the workshop reckoned it too ages with seized bolts, access etc etc....grrr) - I also replaced the blocked line (my filter was fine) with Earls line and filter so a bit under 2k all up.

Good luck with either path you choose, it is extremely furstating (my holiday was cancelled to fix my car).

Edited by CBXRT
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Thank you all so much for your help.

Just called MTQ in Malaga, WA. They quoted $1,727.00 (incl GST) for a turbo swap, new oil line and filter and a one year warranty. They also said, depending on the condition of the turbo, they could repair it for around $1,200. I would have to get the turbo removed and put back in again by a mechanic and he said this would cost around $1,000. I will try to find a recon turbo but I like the idea of the one year warranty. The GTX3582 core would be good.

Thanks again

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Sorry to hear that. I just replaced my turbo oil line with a straight through one (no filter at all) so hopefully I will avoid this. Are the non ball bearing turbos any good? I see them around for about $750 new.

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Riptide, I investigated the non-ball bearing turbos and all avenues led to "no".

They are either crap quality or don't suit the T - happy to be proved wrong, but I was prepared to pay the extra amoun tot keep the car how it should be in the end......

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