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Weight Training For Beginners


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As I said there is so much information out there and everyone has and has there own ideas on what works and what doesn't you only have to pick up a bodybuilding mag or even a mens health to see that there is 10 different exercises for every muscle in your body and everyone will tell you that theres is the best.

This is SPOT ON, every mother fu^ker out there has their own idea, It's be best for you to get a program done and than you can see which of those exercises work for you and which ones don't and you can try different exercises for the same muscle groups as you go. After a while you get a pretty good idea of what suits you.

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At the end of the day all the (sensible) weight/cardio programs will be very beneficial - no way of determining which is "best", I would just pick one that sounds suitable for you and get on with it......ha ha.

Edited by CBXRT
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Plenty of advice in those posts. I think keeping your carbs down at night helps with fat reduction. Low impact exercise ( just walking) keeps your metabolic rate up and cortisol levels down which also helps with fat reduction. Its not great cardio but if you weigh 100KG I'd strongly advise you NOT to road run and you will thank me when you reach 50 because your knees will still be good. Gym machines these days do as much in terms of fat burn without bashing your joints to pieces.

Protein sources - plenty available and all of the above recommendations are successful depending on just how dedicated you are in terms of diet and meal planning. IMO, protein after training sessions really helps because muscle overload, repair etc is what produces muscle mass.

Training - Get some basic conditioning first and a few sessions with a P/trainer might help you. Then figure out what you want to get in terms of your gym work. IMO - Low reps for strength (5 x5 or 6x6 with 75/80% of your best single lift). For bodybuilding (mass for appearance) 8 - 15 reps and more than one type of exercise for each body part. You have to experiment a bit because some people build on a lot of sets / reps and others on less. For anaerobic capacity - lighter weights done against the clock (1 - 2 minutes) and that is more about short term endurance. A good example of all of this is the programmes they give any of the players in the rugby codes. They are a fair start and you can increase/reduce the workload and exercise types to suit.

Finally, you actually do have to rest between sessions. Your body repair / recovery systems will slightly accelerate when you train but not that much. Steroids assist recovery and growth. We all know people take them and get what they want - but some of us know people who paid a very high price for an extra inch on their arms just to pose at the beach.

Edited by BRK
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Don't over rest either, bout a minute or so max between sets. Also always concentrate on your form, you would be supprized how much harder some exercices can be when your actually doing them properly. Chin ups for example.

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130kgs is okay if it's muscle, bone and dick.. I'm 6'4" and used to be stuck on 72kg no matter how much exercise. Then got a government job..

I'm 199cm (I think that's about 6'4" in the old language) and I've always weighed 72-74kg from since I stopped growing. I haven't put on any weight since starting my job, although I do plenty of walking around during the day.

I obviously have a good metabolism though cause it's almost impossible for me to put on weight no matter how much I eat. My grandfather has a video of me at his 70th birthday where I chowed through a piled plate of prawns (don't let me near prawns, I'll devour them, haha), four sausages, chicken legs, wings, random bits, etc, a piece of steak, whole heap of vegies, plate of chips and nuggets, bowl of ice cream, lollies, etc. Plus I had at least 4 or 5 glasses of coke.

Mum used to make me two sets of dinners at one point. Both the same but two plates worth as I eat so much. I don't eat that much any more though, lol.

So it does really depend on the person. I can go to Macca's and not put on any wait while one of my 'larger' mates will put on a kilo after eating Macca's.

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You're a skinny fat person. I'm a lot like you.

You can still be unhealthy without being over weight.

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I'm 199cm (I think that's about 6'4" in the old language) and I've always weighed 72-74kg from since I stopped growing. I haven't put on any weight since starting my job, although I do plenty of walking around during the day.

I obviously have a good metabolism though cause it's almost impossible for me to put on weight no matter how much I eat. My grandfather has a video of me at his 70th birthday where I chowed through a piled plate of prawns (don't let me near prawns, I'll devour them, haha), four sausages, chicken legs, wings, random bits, etc, a piece of steak, whole heap of vegies, plate of chips and nuggets, bowl of ice cream, lollies, etc. Plus I had at least 4 or 5 glasses of coke.

Mum used to make me two sets of dinners at one point. Both the same but two plates worth as I eat so much. I don't eat that much any more though, lol.

So it does really depend on the person. I can go to Macca's and not put on any wait while one of my 'larger' mates will put on a kilo after eating Macca's.

This is me.... I used to eat everything in sight and hit the gym everyday. I just get stronger and not bigger. Was so frustrating. I am 6'3 and have stayed on 74kg for as long as I remember.

I don't eat junk any more either. Red meat, chicken and veg everyday. lots of fruit for energy. Pub or restaurant once, sometimes twice a week.

Hopefully this madness will stop.

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