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Weight Training For Beginners


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  • Puff
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Time for a break. I got that stupid cold a week and a half ago that is just clearing up and then I got some mild gastro over the weekend that has manifested mainly as fever and weakness. No barfing yet but the guts is still tender when I eat. Haha tmi?!


This week was supposed to be the start of a new mesocycle after finishing my deload last week and I did train the past 2 days, but the strength was down too much. As much as I'm stubborn and like training hard, I'm just gonna fark around for the next 2 to 3 weeks until I feel like a mofo again. Meals will be at maintenance, training will be stretching and minimum warmups. Maybe the 3rd week will be resensitization to get the muscles prepped for the heavier weight and have less doms. Maybe 2 weeks will be enough.


Also been about 13 weeks with no alcohol and the shock from cutting that out is more or less finished. At any rate it won't be adding as much fatigue as previously. Anyhow there's that, time for a rest and get back to it like a maniac :launch:

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  • Puff
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Hue hue hue, appetite is back, strength is back (based on how easy it is to get off the couch) and desire to train is coming back. Maybe another week of rest to guaranteed being fully sorted or maybe get back into it tomorrow?!


There's no prizes for continuing to train when the fatigue signs are apparent, resting is the key ;)

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Get back into it tomorrow, I reckon :) if you're trending in a positive direction. Stop in the workout early if you're feeling too fatigued. 


I'm going to take a long-awaited deload week next week since I donated blood yesterday and I've been feeling like I'm plateauing at a few things the last couple of weeks so will just give the muscles a bit of a rest/reset and go again.

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  • Puff
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Yeah man, I reckon I will. I felt ok earlier last week but having the cold and gastro was too much to deal with, especially at the start of a meso cycle and I was gonna call it after that one anyway. It's a night and day difference now after having some rest. I'm gonna try 4 weeks of training then deload on the 5th week this time, should be ok providing I tick all the recovery boxes.


What have you been doing in the gym lately?

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Just the usual full-body workouts, but making slow gains on some of the lifts and just tiring myself out... might have had a illness as my missus got the sniffles a couple of weeks ago which coincided with me not having the usual vigour to get my workouts done... we'll see how a deload goes.

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Yeah, I didn't get any symptoms like hers, only the lack of full-intensity in the gym. It was annoying me and every time I donate blood the next week's workouts are significantly more difficult (Monday the hardest, tapering off in difficulty through to Friday and back to "normal" by the next Monday, normally) so I figured I'll just do a regular deload and kill two birds with one stone :) 

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  • Puff
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Sounds like a good idea, no need to push hard when you have multiple factors causing fatigue...haha unless it's the last day or 2 of your training block :hrmm:

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  • Puff
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Back in the gym today, or out in the back yard is more like it. Farken genius here decided to clean some solar panels yesterday in the full sun. I had sunscreen on so didn't get burnt, but I was not feeling great for all yesterday afternoon/evening and this morning too. Anyway got the work done, didn't feel too bad despite feeling overheated and attacked by flies.


Anyhow blah blah blah, back to it, making gains or at least putting in the work to make them. :hammerhead:

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you felt overheated from the previous day's sun while cleaning the solar panels... hmm probably still a little fatigued from the sickness, I guess... I'm sure your workout(s) will be a bit of a struggle. 

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