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Weight Training For Beginners


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I agree with you @Mrs Jeturbo. I was just trying not to be too sexualising about you and your body as that's something I don't want to convey over this forum. I absolutely adore your attitude and actions taken towards bettering your life so much. I would recommend a similar course of action to anybody. I didn't intend it to say that's my only thing to notice and obviously went too far the other direction. 

Also, it's just something that jumped to mind that girls in general don't like to lose their breast fats in the process of losing weight and/or gaining muscle... but of course you didn't/don't mind, so that's totally fine and a good outcome for you :)

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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It’s all good Keif sorry I wasn’t having a go at you and I didn’t take offence at all… I just find it super interesting holistically on my journey the comments I have received at different stages. 

TBH I used to be bummed about it because I thought “once I’m skinny no one will judge me” and I worked out there’s this sweet spot between a size 12-14 where no one says anything and just leaves you alone, I guess coz they assume you’re “normal” but anything either side of that I’ve experienced a lot of judgement. (Not saying you were judging, I just mean in general it’s an observation I’ve personally experienced). 

Then I started really focusing on how I felt about myself instead of pleasing others. Now I get less bummed hahah 


but yeah I guess I’m an anomaly not wanting boobies but I had them huge for so long it’s like a weight has been lifted, literally bahaha. 

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Here is a brief video summary of above comments:

I think a lot of the time people criticise healthy decisions to justify their own unhealthy decisions
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