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Weight Training For Beginners


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  • Puff
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  • Location: South Australia

So yerp 5x5 didn't work either and I worked that out in less than a week.


Upon reflection I worked myself too hard and for too long after fatigue setting in, despite having regular deload weeks. Haha I should have pulled a heavy single while I had it in me! I've finally got my appetite back after stopping alcohol intake and the past week or so has been good. Weight is still sitting in the mid 113kg range but energy levels have come right up again.


Because I had so much fatigue I couldn't strength train effectively, so I've switched to body building style training. This has given me the break from the intensity that I needed, while still providing enough stimulus to grow. Strength has come back substantially which is pretty friggin helpful when you're lifting. At one point I was feeling so sh*thouse that I had less strength than before I started training. Haha it was like I'd trained for the past few months for nothing. Fortunately I know better and just had the rest that I needed and made changes etc.


Anyhow that was a roller coaster ride, hella training, hella strength increases, hella strength loss, hella fatigue, hella weight loss, hella reflection and now back to making hella gains.


Happy days 8)

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  • Puff
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  • Location: South Australia

I bought a new piece of gym equipment today. It's not fancy but it's functional and will add to and replace some other aging stuff I have.


Also Monday is now chest day so all is right in the world :declare:

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  • Puff
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Finally feel good after a workout, after weeks of feeling like sh*t. I just kept going, knowing that eventually everything would be ok and it is.


It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders :prankster:

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haha  I've just been smashing through it and just staying within my plateau as usual... maintenance is all good because I push hard to stay in maintenance. 

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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 10y 1m 9d
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  • Location: South Australia

Apparently I forgot how much leg day sucks. Meh it's done now, chicken rice and veg has been eaten, gains are coming and on the plus side, the neighbours got to listen to some heavy metal for an hour and a half while I was out there.

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