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Weight Training For Beginners


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  • Puff
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Far out man, one of those weeks lol. Got 8 reps on the bench today. Didn't help that I spent so much time farking around with the tailshaft yesterday afternoon and frying my arms and shoulders. Also didn't help not eating before lifting at 1:30 this afternoon. Nevertheless went out there and got it done, haha only deadlift and shoulders left this week, then a week of light work.

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Squats done for the week. Smashed 2 cups of coffee, ate some mince and rice, did some limbering up and stretching then got under the bar.
20 X 20kg
5 X 60kg
5 X 100kg
3 X 120kg
3 X 140kg
3 X 160kg
9 X 180kg
10 X 100kg
10 X 100kg
10 X 100kg
10 X 100kg
10 X 100kg
Seems like a fair bit of work but I'm not completely stuffed, there's still a good bit left in the tank and can recover properly cos I didn't completely wipe myself out. Haha we'll see if that's still the case in a couple of months when it gets a bit heavier.
What the absolute fck.
Working up in mini increments then bam 9 squats at 180kg.
Yeah ok chief
  • Haha 1
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  • Puff
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14 hours ago, gaz097 said:

Working up in mini increments then bam


It be like that...


Today was deadlifts and it worked out ok. I have a bit of a cold thanks to the kids so that might explain why I haven't had a stellar week.


Limber up for 5 minutes then;


12 x 60kg

5 x 100kg

5 x 140kg

1 x 170kg

1 x 190kg

8 x 215kg

8 x 115kg

8 x 115kg

8 x 115kg

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  • Puff
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Woo doggy shoulder press 1rm is now 97.5kg based off doing 65kg for 13 reps. Slowly getting there, although not fast enough for this impatient bastard.


I ate 3 times before this session and I have a lot of energy compared to usual. Onto a winner here I reckon.

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  • Puff
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Woohoo deload week!


Squats today, 3x5 of 120kg and 3x10 of 100kg. Fookin sorted. Also noticed that my spreadsheet is calculating 1rms differently than some other calculators. Oh well, doesn't really matter as long as the weights are lifted.

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  • Puff
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Annnnd the deload is over. The weights are getting heavy again next week and I'm curious to see how I go in the 3rd week. I want 8 reps on the squat and deadlift, with 10 on the bench and 12 on the shoulder press. That is a fairly hectic amount of progress and I'm not sure whether it will turn out like that but I will farken try lol. I think I might have to limit my beer intake to weekends only for maximum recovery, what has the world come to?! :drinks:

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  • Puff
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Interesting times. Last week was a bit meh and I couldn't work out why until the end. I figured I'd cut out all alcohol to recover better. When you cut out 1000+kcal per day you have to replace it with other food otherwise you're doing a hectic cut. Strength dropped by 15% and didn't feel remotely good again until today, after eating a lot yesterday.


In the second week now, hit the program numbers for squat today but nothing extra. I'll see how I go over the next few weeks and see if it's time to switch it up or keep on with the strength training.


I also have a very mild middle upper back strain from deadlifts, so after this week and next it might actually decide for me.


Anyhow, there we are, haha the worst week of training for months, if not years lol.


Send it!!!

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