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Weight Training For Beginners


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  • Puff
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Far out man another heavy day finished, I hit my goals for the week which is good considering I'm jumping 2 to 3 programmed weeks per week. I finished week 10 of the program I posted a pic of 3 weeks ago. Haha even the few days off bench since Monday has enabled me to get it in line with the the other stuff. No more jumping weeks for now though, I've made all the 10kg jumps I can and now have to go back to 2.5 to 5kg per week.


As tempted as I am to continue the program, a deload week is probably a good idea for next week, then resume again the following week.


Happy days :)

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  • Puff
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Yeah nah no deload lol. Weights are going up so I'll keep going until I start failing sets.


Ordered some deadlift straps and a weightlifting belt. Will sort out some wrist, elbow and knee wraps or sleeves soon.


May as well send it while the sending is good :declare:

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  • Puff
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I just got 200kg for a single on the squat, now I'll start the deload week.


If anyone is interested the weight and reps to get there were


20x 20kg

5x 60kg

5x 80kg


3x 120kg

1x 140kg

1x 160kg

1x 180kg

1x 200kg

10x 160kg to finish


Now I know it ain't internet strong but it's what any man can accomplish with a sh*tload of work, food and not being a farken pussy when it gets hard and uncomfortable. Haha that last set made me exhale with more boost than usual :roflmbo:

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1x140 all the way to 1x200... that's a huge increase... not exactly normal to do that sort of thing in one session (even after all the work you've done)

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  • Puff
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Think about it this way, if you're going to squat 260kg, you still start with the bar then go to 60, 100, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260. That's 10 sets. I usually do 8 total, 3 very light warm up then 5x5 with increasing weight. You have to go up in reasonable increments to get used to the weight and warm up properly. 


Today the program called for 5x5 of 100 up to 180. I had successfully done that a week ago on Monday with 10kg less, with 3 reps of 180 on Friday, so doing singles of those weights instead of 5 reps was easy. 200 was rpe 10 but the rest was fine.


Cos I need a rest I just tested my max and now will lift half as much for a week. Probably will do a 10 to 20% reset after that and start adding it up a bit more slowly, so I can last longer than 4 to 6 weeks flat out.

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Probably not quite the right thread but I decided to be less of a FF late last year and just chalked up 10.5kg of weight loss. I'm now a smaller waist than when I was 22. I wasn't hugely overweight but it creeps up on you over time and decided enough was enough.

Bit of calorie counting to start off then once I settled into that routine have lifted the exercise. Weekly boot camp in the park (which I've been doing for ages) and now doing a couple of 5-6km runs per week and a decent walk with the dog on the off days.

The weight loss slows down after the first few weeks, especially once you up the exercise and start building muscle. But the fat keeps disappearing which is the main thing.

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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 9y 10m 17d
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Thanks mate!

More on topic - just picked up a TRX trainer (well, the Amazon version anyway). Conscious with all of the running, some upper body work wouldn't go astray.

Also if I can build some muscle it will help keep the metabolism ticking over.

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