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Weight Training For Beginners


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......Not having a go at you a Ratter at all, just most people don't have enough. But 1 thing I have learnt and think you agree is, we injest protien based foods for BCAA's yes? so a good thing I found is instead of having more protien based foods, which equals more calories, I went out and started buying BCAA powder and have it during the day. As it's the BCAA that builds the muscle in the end and helps lose weight. Stay anobolic all day round, even set the alarm at 12.30am to drink water with BCAAs. Maybe going over board there but that's just me.

LOL, I was never that bad to set the alarm, I would get sh*tty during the day though if somebody or something stopped me from having my meals or protein drinks

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There is a lot of good info on here . With the meal plan u need to taylor it to suit your self

The meal dillz gave u is spot on . But u may need more or less only u will no.

N remember it will not happen over night good luck with it

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 17d
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I've started training for a bout a month now...

Im about 130kg's and 6'4..

I do about 30 min cardio about 4 days a week with weights... I've got most of the equipment at home so I work out there free weights, bench press, bars, bike, treaddy and a weight station thingy, I can't lift too much cause I don't have a spotter. I find it hard to get all 6 meals in, but I get the main 3.. Im lost when it comes to how much protein etc... to take. I want to loose at least 30-40kg and mainly get more ripped than big cause I have a big frame as it is.. I am seeing some results, but as others have said its taking ages..

I do chest, bicep day 1, shoulders, try day 2, back, abs day 3 and a cardio day... then rest a day or 2, then back at it..

Anything else I should be doing/ not doing?

Edited by MiKa
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  • Member For: 13y 11m 5d
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I would suggest counting calories. What do you do for a living? I can give you a rough guide on how much you should be consuming. I would also suggest per and post workout protein or energy shakes. Because your already exercising the best way to increase results would be to change your diet and perhaps get a good mate to help you work out good and proper!. Don't look in the mirror and read the scales everyday. Once a week is normally best for your mindset. If you were really really keen I could scribble out a cycling calorie diet to help your metabolism along.

What kind of cardio are you doing mate?

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  • Member For: 13y 4m 26d
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Its really good to see some of the funny replies and the serious ones to because there is truth in all of them . As I said there is so much information out there and everyone has and has there own ideas on what works and what doesn't you only have to pick up a bodybuilding mag or even a mens health to see that there is 10 different exercises for every muscle in your body and everyone will tell you that theres is the best , the funny thing is most of the people writing these articles have never lifted a weight in there lives they just take something that someone else has written about and put there own little spin on it but in saying that what they write about will work and you will get the results but they will vary greatly from person to person .

KV can only tell you about my experience and those who I was involved with . 10 years ago I was 114kg ( 6ft 2inch ) bicep 19inch chest 114 cm waist 32 inch 4% body fat and all the other muscle groups to go with it . I ate like a horse 8 times a day and used around $3 $400 a month of supplements not to mention the real scary part 3 x $3500 a year 12 week cycle of steroids , growth and test injections . I did this for 4 years and when I look back I wish id never done any of if . I lost good friends and even family and what for a good body . That sort of S**T stay away from , you might look good but at what cost .

KV the best advice I can give is for you to enjoy your time at gym and have fun doing weights . All the advice given to you here from all the guys will work for you , just keep in mind that there is far more to life than looking at yourself in the mirror .

to all the other boys out there thanks for some giggles with your clever comments its good to have a reality check from time to time .

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Personally found that setting a time frame on cardio useless.. Always went by sweat level. 30 minutes on a treadmill was nothing compared to a 30 minute run in the sand..

Completely agree with pazzo though regarding protein intake.. My wife is a dietitian and she frequently gets young blokes frustrated that they can't bulk up but they are downing two or three shakes immediately before bed or some nonsense.. Stick to the 2g per kg lean body mass. Have your shake in the morning if you eat red meat for dinner. If you overkill the protein you end up wasting money on expensive powders. Banana's make excellent work out snacks!! For me anyways.

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