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Weight Training For Beginners


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  • Puff
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Yerp had the missus spotting me and gimme a lift off for the bench, not cos it's too heavy but because I'm out of practice lifting heavier weight. Haha and I always use suicide grip and wasn't sure how wobbly my wrists would be, turns out they were ok.


It does feel good that the previous weeks and months are paying off.

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  • Puff
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This is my current workout regimen for the next few weeks. I'm onto the last day tomorrow so it gets heavier. Last week I did a weight for squats that was probably a bit light but I only did 5 reps. Tbh I could have done 75% more reps, but it was the first week of lower reps so was just feeling it out.


Pretty sure I'm gonna add weight and see how that goes. Other option is to add reps but reps aren't as cool as weight lol.


Here's to hoping the weight moves fast



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  • Puff
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A win and a setback...squats went up in weight and got a pb for volume but my left pec must've got a minor strain the other day. I went through the warm ups today and it felt too heavy, I loaded up the working weight, did a set and again felt miles too heavy. Hummed and harrd about being a softcock and decided to push through it. Did one more rep of the second set and pulled the pin, could tell something was wrong and not worth risking injury. There's no pain in the pec but it is pretty swollen compared to the right side so I'm glad common sense prevailed.


Decided to not finish the workout and instead rest until Monday. I might just keep the weight at the day 3 numbers for the last day next week, for bench and row, but will wait and see. Haha squats will go up though :w00t2:

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Sounds like it was a good idea to cut it short :) I'm still working with pain from the shoulder injury I mentioned earlier, but it's not preventing me from doing the same workout, so it's odd... it's not getting any worse, either. :idunno:

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  • Puff
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I'm glad I did cos I'm usually staunch af and push through it. I've since learnt after many an injury it isn't always the best approach.


Shoulders are funny things and I reckon are the most common complaint when it comes to pain in the gym. A lot of people tend to do plenty of benching but neglect the rear of the shoulder so they slump forward and that causes shoulder pain. Under the rear of the shoulder and toward the spine are a bunch of smaller muscles and they are super easy to strain if you aren't careful.


Just make sure you get a good warm up in each time and perhaps think about backing off to 50% for a few weeks to give it a chance to fully heal. Haha you're getting older now man and I gotta tell ya, it takes longer to recover and repair as the years go by.

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it's only really painful when doing pull-ups and it's not so simple to do "50%" with those, unless I use that "assist" machine... I suppose I should do a week or two of that to take the load off it so it fully heals instead of 80% healed haha

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  • Puff
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Yeah man an assist machine would do it. A week or 3 away from it should have it sorted. Haha this one time I pushed through a hamstring strain...for 4 farken months. I should have took 2 weeks of but yeah nah lol.

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