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Weight Training For Beginners


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Puff and Keith should look like Arnold Schwarzenegger by now.  You guys train a lot

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  • Puff
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I'm currently doing the ICF beginner program and I'm half way into the second week. This time around I've been training for about 7 weeks so far, with the first 2 being super light and the next 3 after that being an intermediate split program which doesn't work very well for beginners, there wasn't enough leg work.


Previous to that I trained on and off for a while and made some reasonable gains. My bench was 120kg, squat was 3x150kg and deadlift was 200kg.


Currently I'm not quite back there, but on Sunday I did 3x8 of 100kg for bench, 5x5 of 120kg for squat and 1x5 of 170kg for deadlift. Today I'll be adding 10kg to the squat and bench (5x5) and 10kg to the deadlift (1x5) on Thursday. Haha I just scraped in the 170 so I might not be able to do 180, but I'll soon find out! I can always do 170 again or 175 if I have to.


This is about the weight where I need to start adjusting how big the jumps are, so soon I'll be adding 5kg per workout or even 2.5kg. Generally the squat and deadlift will handle 10kg jumps for much longer as they use much bigger muscle groups, but the bench will slow down to 5kg or less per workout, and accessory exercises such as curling in the squat rack or military presses can only go up by 5kg per week, give or take. You can make bigger jumps when first starting out, but after a while it will drop right down.


I'm no Arnold that's for sure! I'm 115kg at 25% body fat, measured with calipers and referenced to online pics.


Anyhow this is where I'm at and what I'm doing to make gains. If any of those number sound unobtainable to anyone passing through, I started everything at 60kg and realistically it doesn't matter if you start with an empty bar. Providing you keep eating enough, sleeping enough and staying consistent with progression, there is no reason you can't get very frigging strong and get a decent amount of size too. The best time to start is today. Go get some!


Obligatory excuse: Due to wasting time doing that split program my squat is a bit lacking, but should be back up there in a few weeks after a few 10kg jumps.

Obligatory excuse number 2: Yes I'm doing something to reduce how fat I am (I was 122kg), but it takes time and you can't hurry that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Too heavy needs boost
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Not bad at all. My pb squat was 3×200 best one rep bench was 145 given up on deads after I fvcked my back the day jr was born. Easy sets of 160kg using straps never really use straps only chalk. And a strap let go and lost grip and twisted. Fvcked my back couldn't even walk holding my bag. Next 8 hrs jr was born 7 weeks early. Want to get back to deads but can't afford to be put out for a few weeks. Pb was 190kgs for 2 reps. Now after covid and so much motivation lose ill be lucky to do a 100. Struggled walking to the car with 2×20kg wood packs in hand from bunnings lol. Still did it

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  • 1 month later...
  • Puff
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Haven't lifted a weight for about 6 weeks cos reasons. Had a couple of whiskeys and figured I'd better do some weights again so got amongst it.


Did some curls in the squat rack for s&g, did some benching, shoulders and a set of rows for good measure. I even did a pullup :laughing:


Felt all kinds of good.....all kindzzz

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