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Weight Training For Beginners


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  • Too heavy needs boost
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I have been losing weight slowly. Trying to eat better and lay off the piss. Lol. But 3 yrs ago went from 114.35kgs to 89kg. Some how found most of it again. Still hit gym 5-6 days a week. Booze packed it back on. Was 110 4 weeks ago now 105 but it's still progress. Still love the brews but trying to get bad food down. Thing is I'm lifting the most I have ever lifted. Pb's every second week. Did legs for the first time in 3 months because of my hip/back. Wow my legs are still smashed on the third day. Now everything is good legs 2 times a week. Need to start running again.

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  • Too heavy needs boost
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Only way to do it. Until my legs are 100% no running. Lost heaps of time from work because of smashed feet and now liberal want to sell sa rail I'll probably be jobless soon even know I started an apprenticeship in January

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Well, I joined a gym near work today. I've been going back and forward over my different options and this is what I figured:

  • I don't like going to the gym when everyone else does, but don't tend to mind it when it's quieter
  • I don't tend to like exercising after work because it wakes me up heaps and then I don't sleep as good that night
  • I can be pretty stiff and unmotivated first thing in the morning
  • I find it somewhat easy to roll out of bed, make a coffee and head to work

So I've decided my plan of attack is to head to work earlier on gym days then go to the gym at lunch (or maybe a little before, if it's too busy during lunchish times). That way I don't have to try convince myself to hit the gym just after waking up and also don't have to try and convince myself to go after work, when all I really want to do is go home and go full sloth-mode on the couch.


Is 3 days a week a good thing to aim for to start do you guys think? Split the routine with back/bi one day, chest/tr/shoulders another and legs on the third, with a bit of cardio thrown in (start off with maybe aiming for 2km of jogging/walking mix and build from there)?


Have also told the guys at work and told them to keep me accountable and force me to go.

Edited by .Stripes.
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  • Too heavy needs boost
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I go at 4am stripes only time I can do it. Or 9pm at night. I'm a morning person and been doing it at that time for 4yrs now. You get used to it. Only issue is when you have a day off your sleep in is like 6am hahaha. Bloody body clock. Lol

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I've had a lot of sleep issues over the years, so I'm up at 6am everyday now anyway, otherwise I don't sleep. But I'm still pretty unmotivated to hit the gym that early...plus gym would be busier then than during the day. Who knows, I may end up going early...but we'll see.

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16 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:

Is 3 days a week a good thing to aim for to start do you guys think? Split the routine with back/bi one day, chest/tr/shoulders another and legs on the third, with a bit of cardio thrown in (start off with maybe aiming for 2km of jogging/walking mix and build from there)?

Yes, 3 is the right amount for baseline progress if you're splitting workouts. 4/5 days is ideal for maximum progress if you're splitting well. Depends on your fitness aims if you want to do that much cardio.


Have you tried out the gym that's closer to your home, too?

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  • Puff
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37 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:

Is 3 days a week a good thing to aim for to start do you guys think? Split the routine with back/bi one day, chest/tr/shoulders another and legs on the third, with a bit of cardio thrown in (start off with maybe aiming for 2km of jogging/walking mix and build from there)?


For the first couple of weeks to a month I wouldn't get too worried about a program, as you want to get past the delayed onset muscle soreness and let your joints and tendons get used to it. Go every day if you can, walk for half an hour and lift light weights until your form is good again. I'd stick with low intensity cardio to start with, as it saves your joints from inflammation.

After that, what you decide to do is based upon your goals. As a novice lifter you wouldn't do a split, you would do full body 6-7 days per fortnight until you have to dial it back due to increasing strength. As always, it depends on your goals.


For training time, it depends what kind of training you want to do. In your situation, I'd suggest morning for hardcore goals and probably lunch time if you have a spare hour and a half to get there, get changed, warm up, lift, shower, get changed, get back etc. As for motivation, set a schedule, set your alarm and go to the gym. Do what you want, not what you feel.


I haven't lifted for ages and am fat and slug like. I'll race ya to 10x bw bench if you like :w00t2:

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^that's prob not the best advice given the circumstance. 


For the the first 4 - 6 weeks you want a program targeting compound lifts 3 - 4 times a week with a rest day in between each day focusing on 60%rm max and focus on getting your form correct before anything else 


the first 2 months are the most crucial not only for the physical mindset but the mental 

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