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Weight Training For Beginners


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  • Puff
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Have to mate, I ain't going through that again. There were times that I couldn't train properly cos I was overheating. 


Lol I'll have to pull my finger out and git err done. 

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The amount of times I've started exercising, eating healthy etc etc etc, lost a bit of weight, felt ok for a few days/weeks then next thing I know I'm back to my fat bastard "get in my belly" mode. I tried the gym, HATED it, couldn't stand all the douche bags constantly visually humping themselves in the mirrors, but I know I need to do something, I'm 31, been overweight all my life, get terrible sleep, struggle with anxiety and depression all the time.

For those who are disciplined enough to stay focused on keeping healthy, how the hell do you do it?????????

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Start off setting yourself some short term goals and make yourself accountable for reaching those goals


take some pics of yourself and note down your weight, but don’t get drawn into taking pics every week or weighing yourself constantly as it will be 4weeks before you notice any changes in your self (even though they are happening) and the small changes that are happening will seem insignificant and that’s where the negativity sets back in


Also your diet is crucial, more than attending the gym. Diet is everything and 80% of your regime and remember moderation is a word you need to focus on if you get a little slack. A kit Kat once maybe every 2 weeks is not going to kill your diet but 1 everyday might. Work out what calories you need and work on how you will burn the excess energy 


from there you will be sweet

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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 10y 1m 7d
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  • Location: South Australia

Try again...


48 minutes ago, Psshhhht said:

For those who are disciplined enough to stay focused on keeping healthy, how the hell do you do it?????????


The name of the original thread included the word "motivation".


You're already motivated. You're thinking about it and you asked a question. That's all motivation is. You want it therefore you're motivated. 


Discipline is a choice. Choices are easy to make. Make your choice and then do what you chose/want, not what you feel. This is the single most important piece of information. Wanting and feeling are 2 different things. 


Example: you want to give up smoking but you feel like smoking a cigar. Ignore what you feel and do what you want. It'll suck at times and may be hard but the choice is always there.


The rest of it is easy. Just google it for bmr, macros, 5x5 programs etc.


Here's a tip, losing weight is 100% diet. Exercise helps a fair bit but isn't needed. 

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