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Weight Training For Beginners


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  • Puff
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I sprained my ac joint last week and was hoping it would recover without taking a break from lifting. No such farken luck :censored:


I guess I will be taking a two week upper body deload and see if that is enough time to heal.


At least I can still squat with the same weight cos that is a lift that needs to come up a bit compared to my other lifts.

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We've started a thing this week at work where we something simple like pushups and dips, or planks, etc every couple of hours during the day (so we do it 7 times). It's just body weight stuff, but gonna see how we go keeping that up every day. Combine that with eating healthy up here and playing an hour of squash each night should see some benefit. It's good though, coz there's 3 of us in our office and we're all committed to sticking to it, so that helps.

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  • Puff
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Are you looking to build muscle still? Although sports are good for general fitness the only thing that makes you stick out from the crowd is lifting weights.

Edited by Puffwagon
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I am, yes...but I also have limited time when I'm on site. There's literally not enough hours in the day to do both and I enjoy playing squash a whole lot more, plus it burns more calories.

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  • Puff
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I don't think you know what the word literally means ;)


Lifting weights is not for everyone and in the beginning requires a no compromises commitment to lifting according to a linear progressive program along with weighing food etc.


No weight progression and no food tracking means no gains. I've said before that there is no point going for a week or two cos you just get sore and make no gains.


51 minutes ago, .Stripes. said:

plus it burns more calories.


Calorie control is done in the kitchen not in the gym. This is one of the most important things to understand when starting out lifting weights.


I think a Ronnie Coleman quote is needed here, "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody want to lift no heavy-ass weights."

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  • Puff
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I've got squats and a deadlift variation (paused, stiff leg, deficit etc) today. Only one set of each with 4 to 6 reps of 132.5kg on the squat and 8 reps of 120kg for deadlift variation. Not ideal with a sore shoulder but it's not rowing or benching so it should be ok. I'll be in and out in half an hour which is good cos it's heading to 31 here today.


My next upper body day is on Saturday and I'm supposed to be doing 3x6 of 112.5kg on bench with the same sets/reps for rowing except 10kg heavier. Unless a miracle happens I won't be benching or rowing that weight then....A few sets of ten with 80kg should be ok not to irritate the shoulder too much and still make some kinda gainzzz if not just maintain the mooscles.


I'll just play it by ear for now but I think a couple of weeks with less weight is a good idea as I've already said :dancing:

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