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Weight Training For Beginners


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  • Puff
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Haha gettin there.


There is a big difference between normal people strong and gym people strong. 


I'm making progress still so that's all that matters for now. 

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Nice effort man! Going to be a while before I'm lifting those sorts of numbers me thinks :mosking:


I've been to the gym 6 times in the last couple of weeks, which is a big step up in consistency from where I've been. I've been 2/3 nights up on site. Actually rather enjoying it now, except the dude who was sat on the bench for over half an hour last night :gtfo2: Meant I had to do my bench last instead of first, so couldn't push as much and had to drop 10kg off my bench.


At the moment I'm only doing;

Bench: 3x sets of 10reps @ 60kg

Squat: 3x sets of 10reps @ 60kg

Deadlift: 3x sets of 10 reps @ 60kg


I could lift heavier (was previously benching 70kg, squatting 90kg and deadlifting 80kg) but I'm feeling good about lower weight and a few more reps - I feel it's definitely helping me focus on my form.


By the end of the year I'd like to see each of those numbers rise, but no idea what's realistic to aim at?

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unless you want to powerlift, I wouldn't be worried about puff's numbers haha


those numbers are pretty good as a baseline. Make sure your form is good by video'ing yourself and comparing it to online video's or get someone knowledgeable to guide you.


Once you're 100% satisfied with your base form, then it's just a matter of incrementally increasing when you feel comfortable to do so. There's no need for specific numeric goals if you don't have anything already in mind :)


If you have other things in mind in terms of how you'd like to apply the strength, then you can change your plans around for your training to suit that goal.

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  • Puff
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The accepted standard for a one year progression for a healthy male for lifting weights is; 


Bench: 5x100kg

Squat: 5x140kg

Deadlift: 5x180kg


If you aren't hitting those numbers after 12 months you either aren't eating enough, you aren't sleeping enough or your program doesn't include progression.


I started lifting the same weight as you @.Stripes. back in June last year.


If anyone reverse calculated my 1rm I can bench 110kg for 5, squat 130kg for 5 and deadlift 160kg for 5. I did pull 180kg for a single about a month ago.


I just made sure to be consistent with my training, I tracked my macros daily for months (yes I weighed my food ;)), I've had a program with various types of progression in front of me every day in the gym and I made sure my form was spot on and I used the right amount of weight ie: I train sub maximally.


3 hours ago, k31th said:

There's no need for specific numeric goals if you don't have anything already in mind :)


Spot on. You just have the right type of programming for where you're at and the numbers will keep going up.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Puff
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I just had another week or so off except yesterday, to let the joints and tendons heal a bit. No doms at all today so feeling pumped for Monday.


I was watching deadlifting on yootoob just now so went to the shed to do some deadlifting.


20 kg x 20 reps

60 kg x 5 reps

100 kg x 5 reps

130 kg x 3 reps

160 kg x 1 rep

190 kg x 1 rep

200 kg x 1 rep


Everything was easy and came up quick except the last one which wasn't as fast but wasn't a grinder by any means.


I've got plenty more in the tank volume wise but I wanted to see what my actual max is so I can program the next month or so.


Also fark yeah 200kg!! Once again not a huge amount by lifting standards but ya gotta be happy for some milestones ay?!

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