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Weight Training For Beginners


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Thanks guys. That's literally what's written on the Australian Defence Force recruiting site for achieving the required number of push-ups. It's written the same way for sit-ups as well. I've never been in to push ups or sit ups but if I apply to be a Pilot, I'll have to do them to pass the fitness test.

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Mate the test you have to do vs what you have to do once your in are poles apart.

RAAF ain't as bad as the Army. But Pilots need to be fit and they take that seriously. Take the entry standard and triple it that's a good starting point. If your not a runner start.

Edited by Kimberley Scott
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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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On a cut atm dropped my intake by about half (was at roughly 3600 cals a day) now 1800ish carbs dont go over 100g ED, changed my workout to incorporate high volume high intensity super sets, absoloutey wrecking myself and I feel like sh*t and weak cause low carbs argh.

3 weeks in 124 down to 118, wanna hit 100-105 area (im not a fat bloke for those who havent seen me)

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Back on the creatine and getting more reps in at slightly higher weight...

Do you have to cycle off it? I read you don't...

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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I guess it wouldn't hurt to cycle it to shock the body every now and then but it aint like stezzas no matter what anyone wants to yap on about.

And dont get me started on those dam steroid shakes.. oh I tell you what..

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Seems to be a lot of conflicting information out there about it. Load / don't load. Cycle / don't cycle.

The research I read on it suggested that your body stores it for up to a month after a two week load up cycle so I don't worry too much about the when to take it part. Once you've loaded it's there ready to be used. I could be wrong but that's what the research I read up suggested (not bro-science). I'll try and find the pubmed article.

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I would suggest to cycle it, as your body makes it naturally and if you're consistently taking it, it can decrease your bodies natural stores.

As for loading, it depends on the quality of the creatine. Better ones, there's no need to load.

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