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Weight Training For Beginners


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Mika -Keep doing what your doing mate that's awesome to hear your dropping the weight, before you know it you will be at a weight you yourself will be happy with.

My goal was to get to 90 still around 94-96kg first day back today after eating freely with all the massive family do's over the festive season along with drinking but can't complain only gained a 2 kg from not gong to the gym for a week and a half.

Thanks mate. All the family dinners and pissups havent helped, although I only put on just under 2kg... I have found a small break in my diet every few weeks and then get back on it kinda shocks my body a bit and it sorta kick starts the weight loss again..

Staino, that would suck big time.. My shoulders arent 100% either and havent trained them for months too and they still give me the sh*ts, it hurt a bit today doing chest so I know they aren't ready...

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The new meso is ok, Jacked is like cordial but A1 have some of the old formula jacked. I usually switch between ronnie colemans MYODEX which gets me pretty wired but I can't go last a double shot of Swollen. It's the only pre workout that gets me going like I was pre ban. It's just hard to find as a lot of places don't stock it.

Edited by Wingnut
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They do work Staino.

I find Jacked was good (felt like I was on stuff) but havern't tried the new formula but can be addictive as you get used to it but as you ^^^ said good to change mix it up.

Currently on short balcks for the first week back after a week and a bit break, I find it works for me now.

Edited by nick d
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I'm not big into pre-workout drinks because they're largely just stimulants, but if you must take one take that isn't a "proprietary blend". These are products which hide what's really in them so you don't know all the ingredients or the quantities.

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