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Weight Training For Beginners


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The majority of size on my arms comes from doing compound movements; deads, rows, benches, presses etc. You also need to take into account that your triceps takes up most of your upper arm, so if you want your arms to look huge, don't neglect them.

Agreed on all counts. I can't remember the last time I did a bicep curl and the guns are bigger than ever. All from deads, bench, rows as Goliath said.

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I do biceps after my back workout... Just do one set of heavy and two other sets lighter just to get the burn.. After a back workout my biceps get a good pump anyway...

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I always do a full arm day. They are probably my most "aesthetic" feature so I want to make the most of it lol.

Witnessed a new level of fail/douchery today at my new gym. Guy walks in, does 10 mins of cardio, 10 mins of weights, spends 20 mins in the bathrooms getting changed then steps into the squat rack where he takes an unloaded bar and starts to curl. I would assume he's trying to get one last pump in before he went out as he was all dolled up.

The whole concept of what he was doing was sad enough but curling an unloaded bar in a sqaut rack was just astonishing....

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I change it up every week but my workout this week was:


21s with preacher bar 4 sets

Straight bar curls 4 sets

Dumbbell curls incline bench 4 sets

Rope pull ups 4 sets


Rope pull downs 4 sets

T bar push downs alternating over and underhand grip same set 10 reps each 4 sets ( that one kills)

All 12-15 reps with a relatively low weight. I dropped the weight and focus on full motion and correct form. I alternate the amount I concentrate on each muscle each time I do arms so next workout will be more focused on triceps. Once again working for me but always trying new things to find what's best.

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  • Menace
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Yeah, my biceps and forearms are usually destroyed before even thinking about doing a few curls.

I used to have this too to the point that I thought fark me I dont even need to train arms... after watching a hell of alot of youtube clips regarding form for each exercise I realised my form was all farked up and I was using my arms instead of my lats for instance.

Way I see it is say im doing bent over row I try not to make a fist and just use my hands sort of as hooks then just pull my elbows back with a big chest while keeping the weight real close to my body while trying to feel my lats and hold at the end of each rep..

Since doing it this way my bi's aren't getting sh*t anymore and my lats are growing quicker + I can only do like half the reps I used to be able to (well lighter weight anyway).

Pretty much just concentrate every time on the exact muscle you are trying to feel from now on and I'll bet your arms and forearms wont get thrashed. Now you can have your arm and grip day.

Also they are smaller muscles too so the last thing you want is to fail on a rep with the wrong muscle failing.

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