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Weight Training For Beginners


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so true nick!!!

iv been off the weights last 2 weeks. my shoulder is playing up for some reason. dunno how it happened. just at work and it was sore.

back into it on monday I hope.

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  • Menace
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how many "big" meals are you guys having a day?

im going something like

  1. 1full egg + 5 egg whites and a can of tuna + slice of low fate cheese
  2. 2 cups of quick oats with some dried fruit medley
  3. 350ish grams of steak and some of those bagged steam veggies or 4x slices of toasted mutli-grain with 2 slices of low fat cheese and a 185g of chilli tuna (love my tuna)
  4. maybe another steak with vegies or 4slices of toast with fark loads of peanut butter or 9 weatbix
  5. nibble on a handful of almonds and maybe another slice or 2 of toast
  6. wateva the misses dishes up usually something healthy anyway but only a small portion

In terms of fluids usually water on and green tea

I have my shakes after a workout which would be after 1 or 4..

Anyone else wanna show there diet? Wouldnt mind changin sh*t up a little with some other simple/easy ideas

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how many "big" meals are you guys having a day?

im going something like

  1. 1full egg + 5 egg whites and a can of tuna + slice of low fate cheese
  2. 2 cups of quick oats with some dried fruit medley
  3. 350ish grams of steak and some of those bagged steam veggies or 4x slices of toasted mutli-grain with 2 slices of low fat cheese and a 185g of chilli tuna (love my tuna)
  4. maybe another steak with vegies or 4slices of toast with fark loads of peanut butter or 9 weatbix
  5. nibble on a handful of almonds and maybe another slice or 2 of toast
  6. wateva the misses dishes up usually something healthy anyway but only a small portion

In terms of fluids usually water on and green tea

I have my shakes after a workout which would be after 1 or 4..

Anyone else wanna show there diet? Wouldnt mind changin sh*t up a little with some other simple/easy ideas

Fair few calories there, you really trying to bulk?

Mine is the simplest cheapest and healthiest option I had available.

Meal1: cup and half of oats and 1 can of baked beans

Meal2: 2 apples and a banana

Meal3: 1 lettuce .2 carrots. Can of tuna and some dressing

Meal4: a biscuit or two. Most of the time nothing

Meal5 500grams of mixes veggies and can of baked beans.

Averages around 2150 calories a day

20grama of fat

300grams of carbs

100 grams of proiten

Only costs around 35 -40bucks a week

The worst part in my diet is probably te copious amounts of coffee I drink lol

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  • Menace
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Not really trying to bulk im just always bloody hungry... seem to be maintaining weight atm though... but if I miss a few days look out

Either I need to work out harder or more often or change my diet as im not able to trim that last bit of fat to get abs... dif. diet seems like the simplest plan of attack.

Currently WO days are always around 1.5hrs

  1. chest, abs and 10min of running at 14km/hr
  2. back then rowing around 1600m in 5min "hardest setting" then 5min crosstrainer on hardest setting
  3. arms, abs and running for 10min between 8km/hr and 17km/hr changing speed each minute
  4. shoulders and some plank sets inc side + cycling for 5min
  5. Legs and forearms and maybe abs again

usually doing 12,10,8,6 or 1st 2 reps heavy as possible up to 5 or 6 then next 2 reps is 12,8... I like to keep the breaks around 45sec but this doesnt always happen

how many calories would ya guesstimate im chowing down a day?

Edited by Kroozin
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I was one of them.. as soon as the weather started to warm up id start working out, but this year I feel im becoming a gym junkie, I get mad if I cant make it into the gym loll...

Welcome to the gym junkies club!!!

that's how we all feel when we miss a day.

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Many many of these guys at my gym...haha

Also, how do people work out with a hoodie on? Surely you can't be working that hard if you are wearing track pants and a hoodie...

Anywho...picked up some Albutarex last night...first half scoop this morning. Feels like drinking 2 cans of Redbull, then following it up with an espresso. Been going since 7:30am....

Hopefully it helps drop some of the excess baggage around my mid section...

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