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Weight Training For Beginners


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Is that about the sustanon or that T3 thing in the post earlier? Sorry got lost for a second there?

Train legal supplements = get big but slowly but hold size for long

Train illegal supplements = get big quickly but hold size for short time

sus,tren,prop,enanthate all have side effects some people experience none (like my self) or some experience one or two sideffects and some experience ALL of them everyone's body will react differently the only way to find out is to give it a go but having said that do some research before you know what you're getting yourself into

T3 is a thyroid medication I would only use if you are REALLY overweight and have trouble losing weight even if you train and eat right (this is the right way but patience is key)

ensure you have good thyroid function to start with...read the side efects...if you're happy to give it a go take a deep breath and spray it under you're tongue..

It is LEGAL at the moment through a loophole but to be honest once the government finds out a substance or 'supplement' works they just turn it illegal simple as that..

Im not trying to scare anybody, like I said I know people who have taken these things ive tried them and seen no side effects a mate of mine broke out in the worst acne on his back after a cycle of prop and even though its a small side effect just goes to show that they are there...maybe you guys have heard of a bloke by the name of ZYZZ? (if not youtube him) young bodybuilder from sydney looked amazing admitted to using steroids RELIGIOUSLY and it was obvious that he used them..about this time last year found him dead in a sauna in THAILAND...now there are alot of theories..but in just in case you've been living under a rock thailand is steroid heaven..the guy was on a 'holiday' there by himself...in thailand are we getting the picture?

do your homework and if you're the slightest bit of an hypochondriac just stay away from it

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LOL love the avatar....

Yeah I seen that guy in a few pics on Facebook, saw a video of him eating his pre workout that was pretty funny, dude was big..

Read up on T3 after your original post, seems like an easy way to loose weight, take that, metabolism speeds up, diet do a bit of training and the weight will just drop off.. Don't think I'm game to try it though..

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Dude believe of not was not that big, just had very good symmetry. He only came in between 75 and 80kg. When your super ripped like that yes you do look big. His brother looks better in real life,

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Over training sucks. Because of it I didn't go to the gym for a month, because I lost all motivation. So I put on weight, as well as losing muscle. :(

Has made it harder to start again. Back at it now though!

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Yeah he wasn't big just really toned, wouldn't even call him a bodybuilder more of a body sculptor.

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does his brother have a sh!t name too?

His brother calls himself 'chestbrah'.. Wanker to be honest

Adie: muscles have a very good memory.. A person that trains for a year gets bulk, then stops for a year and loses it all will only take half to a qtr of a year to get back to where they were

Edited by freeze_dk
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Creatine before and after, never heard the juice thing. What does that do?

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