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Weight Training For Beginners


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Great post mate keep going, diet is by far the hardest part. Are you a nutritionist or bodybuilder? Or just done alot of homework?

Thanks Dillz, will post more when I got a bit more time. Just at work at the moment. I'm a competitive natural bodybuilder, although I've taken a bit of a break from it all for a while due to illness. Getting back into it now though and looking to hopefully step back on stage next year if I can manage to grow enough.

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  • Member For: 18y 3m 18d
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If you only eat 3 meals, you are also likely to eat a lot more food in one sitting, which is more likely to give you a large insulin spike. The only time you'd want a large insulin spike is post workout.

Its something I've read in other peoples journals, and generally at the level that most people train at, 3 quality meals that cover your diet requirements for the day is better than 6-7 'small' meals that may not match the same nutritional value. I used to try and eat the 6-7 meals per day, but have moved away from it as I felt I gained nothing, and it was a little inconvenient.

I probably came across a little heavy in saying its a myth, but it is a common thing to hear people say that eating less more often is the key to losing weight.

Think about it like this. If you eat/drink badly for a week, and then have one day where you eat well, is that going to improve your ability to workout? I would think not, and it works the other way around, if you eat well for a week and have one bad day it feels the same. I'm only going on my personal experience and the experience of others that are exceptional bodybuilders, but if someone has some science to back up the claim I'd be glad to hear it.

Edited by Gonadman2
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post-42877-0-97865600-1324359196_thumb.j...............This is the future of protien, Humapro from ALRI, it's a BCCA . 1 scoop 7.2gram scoop is like having 29grams of whey protien, where as whey will be about 100 to 150 calories per serve this has only 28calories per serve. But keeps you anabolic longer and great before a workout.
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  • Member For: 15y 1m 16d
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sounds good. but fk I could hardly undestand that guy talking.

where do you buy you sh*t from pazz? I want some

pazz is the humapro for bulking up big guys or for little guys bulking up? I couldnt work it out!

Edited by fordfreak1
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Is ADA Street near Indooropilly in Brisbane still going strong? They had some serious stuff and also had good knowledge about there supplements back around 2000-2002 when I was into it.

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Ford freak have a friend who owns Maximum muscle in Chapel st St kilda east. It's not for bulking just muscle building, do not use whey protien no more only this.

yer but I kinda want to do both, and that sh*ts pricey as.

but for you I suppose it helps when you got your connections

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