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when I do leg press, and someone is waiting, I always ask "do you want me to leave all the plates on for you?"

and everyone always says yep, we will need all of them..

coolio chicken legs!

shrekus turns around in 2 mins, half of the plates are missing off the side of the machine......

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  • Member For: 14y 4m 16d
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Had a semi decent leg session yesterday. As some of you now I have only just started getting back in to ATG Squats, this is what I went

60x10, 100x10, 130x10, 140x12, 100x10, which makes me 1RM 202~. I'll probably bump everything up by 10kgs for the next session and see how we do.

Also have started doing single leg hack squats (10 a leg x 4 after squats) which give quite a decent burn. Single leg leg press still has a bit of go, managed to get up to 160kg, was pressing 200kg single leg prior to surgery.

Chest today, might try a set of 150kg if I'm feeling it, if not definitely 140kg.

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Two steps forward, one step back for me at the moment...

Strained the calf while working on the lying leg curl machine. I question whether some of these exercises this physio has given me are doing more harm then good!

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I have had a similar feeling doing leg curls, always insure your calves are stretched out. When you leg curl you will notice the higher you go in the curl, the more your feet/toes point up causing your calves to tighten. Pointing your feet down a little will help counteract this, but make the lift harder.

What other exercises are you doing? try do any balance work near a wall, so you can catch or assist yourself if needed. Like I said, try not to push through any pain.

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Yeah I think the gastroc strain was due to having done single leg calf raises prior to leg curls.

Currently for strength I have:

Single leg arabesque with single dumbbell in opposite hand

Single leg calf raises

Leg curls

Nordic drops

Barbell box squats

For balance/prop I have

Single leg wobble board

Side hop with band around hips

Jump and land on single leg with band around hips

Bilateral step ups with weights

2x20min bike machine

3x2km jogs per week

Spoke to the PT at my gym and he said he wouldn't do the exercises in that order. He also said Nordics apparently aren't a good exercise.

At our gym we have a a squat rack and then in a separate area away from all the weights we have racks for doing deads

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 7m 6d
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Yeah I think the gastroc strain was due to having done single leg calf raises prior to leg curls.

Currently for strength I have:

Single leg arabesque with single dumbbell in opposite hand

Single leg calf raises

Leg curls

Nordic drops

Barbell box squats

For balance/prop I have

Single leg wobble board

Side hop with band around hips

Jump and land on single leg with band around hips

Bilateral step ups with weights

2x20min bike machine

3x2km jogs per week

Spoke to the PT at my gym and he said he wouldn't do the exercises in that order. He also said Nordics apparently aren't a good exercise.

At our gym we have a a squat rack and then in a separate area away from all the weights we have racks for doing deads, Olympic lifts, squats etc. this is where I do my balance work as I can just hold on to an empty barbell for balancing plus the area is usually quiet every night so People don't see me marching on one of those balance bubbles like a goose!

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