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Weight Training For Beginners


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I don't use straps at all, I use chalk instead. Completely removed the need for straps. I've done 240kg deadlift without straps and 272.5 on trap bar without straps. Chalk FTW! I also believe if you can't hang onto it you shouldn't lift it.

That's some pretty good grip strength. Mine is terrible, I've done a 245kg Deadlift (strapped) but can't pass 180 without it coming down to my finger tips.

Thanks mate. It only got better by refusing to use straps. Managed 8 reps at 190kg deadlift today with chalk and switch grip only.

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Thanks mate. It only got better by refusing to use straps. Managed 8 reps at 190kg deadlift today with chalk and switch grip only.

Yeah I think I'll have to stop using them for a while to try and improve. If you don't mind me asking, how much do you weigh?

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I got myself a PT twice a week to help me learn/ grow.

Khunt kills me, but 100% worth it and definitely recommend it to noobs like me.

Also my bench has crept upto 90kg so some progress there.

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wow haha, do you have a bf% estimate? 13kgs is a ton to lose in 6 months! Did you just clean up your diet?

I had lost 20kg, was at 119. Found out I was gluten and lactose intolerant which really helped with the weight loss but I also used fasting to cut fat quick. I've put a few kg's back on but that's mainly muscle (confirmed by measurements), using IIFYM on a 2600 calorie intake per day. I'm still lifting the same weights but 16kg lighter now. Working on cutting more weight, just a little slower using calorie control.

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^^^You can do it too freaky, that protein I gave you a good diet 3-4 times a week training you should see some difference in 3 months.

All you need is motivation and a gym buddy!

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I don't use straps but I find myself almost needing them for things like barbell and dumbell rows. I'm not the biggest guy and have a fairly sh*tty grip and find my weight is limited by what I can hold onto.

For example I could probably do 40kg dumbell rows but stay around the 32-34 range as I can't keep a good grip in the heavy ones so I'm more focused on that and not on isolating the muscle. Adam I'm sure you being a bigger guy with "bigger hands" would find it much easier than most to grip a heavy bar. No pun intended. But I might give the chalk a go.

Edited by Wingnut
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Wingnut, I went out and bought a pair of gloves, for the same reason.

Without them, I can only do 8kg dumbell rows. Anything heavier than that I cant hold on to.

With the gloves, I was doing 15kg rows.

If you can find something to give you better grip, then go for it.

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