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Weight Training For Beginners


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Its all about the food if your fairly active and workout already..

For me I have

Oats for brekkie

Egg white omelette/ can of tuna with cottage cheese for snack

Train (if I can make it before lunch)

Lunch consists of a plate with half veg (broccoli) and half meat (steak, salmon steak or chicken breast)

Train (if I didnt before lunch)

Then another sort of protein'ish snack (boiled eggs bla bla)

Dinner is same as lunch

Yoghurt for dessert.

Dont eat any rice, bread, pasta, sugar, limited salt, no butter, minimal oil.. its fairly strict, but I cheat sometimes but hey im human..

I work casually so I have time for all of this, that is a perfect day though, sometimes I can skip a snack because I dont have time. That meal plan has helped me loose around 30kg so far..

Also that amount of sets is huge. Lift heavy on all exercises and do 3 sets of around 10, lifting heavy weight helps burn fat while your working out and then some..

Edited by MiKa
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  • flame magnet
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cheers for the reply.

I didnt eat breakfast till a couple weeks ago, then was told its the worst thing ever.

a sachet of flavoured oats for breaky or a peice of fruit, carrot dipped in peanut butter for snack, 2 wraps for lunch, then nothing till dinner, which is normally salad (out of our garden) or roasted veggies, and steak or chicken.

I will have a treat once a week- other wise whats the point of being alive? maccas meal or similar.

so I should lift as much weight that I can do ten reps?

then as many as I can for 2 more sets?

Edited by Panda Eyes
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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Henz" data-cid="1347568" data-time="1357809996"><p>

Stiflr that's way to hard to be making at work lol. Might try Milk eggs oats powder for a start and go from there. <br />

<br />

Bits and pieces aye lol cough juice cough.</p></blockquote>

As Pazz said Henz, chuck it aall in a blender wizz it up then into a thermo or shaker. Get a little esky with a ice pack and ya done

Haha im mean things like different seeds, creatine, magnesium, bcaa's

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cheers for the reply.

I didnt eat breakfast till a couple weeks ago, then was told its the worst thing ever.

a sachet of flavoured oats for breaky or a peice of fruit, carrot dipped in peanut butter for snack, 2 wraps for lunch, then nothing till dinner, which is normally salad (out of our garden) or roasted veggies, and steak or chicken.

I will have a treat once a week- other wise whats the point of being alive? maccas meal or similar.

so I should lift as much weight that I can do ten reps?

then as many as I can for 2 more sets?

You could tidy up your diet abit Panda. Those oat packets have a lot of sugar and sorry mate but a piece of fruit isnt breakky.. :) If you have 10mins to cook breakky try scrambled eggs with 2-3 egg whites and 1 whole egg with spinach added.

Would be better to snack on dry roasted nuts instead of peanut butter.

Instead of lettuce in your wraps use spinach, limit the cheese and mayo, chicken is good, have turkey instead of the ham and you should be having 200-300 grams of meat in your wraps.

Is bench the only exercise you are doing? If doing others, do supersets (one exercise after another, no rest) to keep your heart rate up. 10-15 reps should be your range, you need to be struggling to lift on the 12th - 13th rep.

As for your son, he needs to eat everything and anything, really dont stop eating. I wouldn't go too heavy when lifting though as he'll still be growing.

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  • flame magnet
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  • Location: adelaide hills- 'race air' central

he started doing push ups early on- then started to add weights in a back pack.

in the end was doing them with 20kg on his back!

he benches 47kg- does 10, then 7, then 4 sets of 3-4. on the last 2 sets he does drop sets (I help him extend, then he drops slooowly).

he is wirey, but great muscle definition- has stretch marks on the junction between the front of his shoulders and his pectoral.

gettng a nice set of pecs too, for his build...

bench is the only one im doing, heard that doing an excecise that uses the most muscle groups will burn the most fat.

I do them every 2 days.

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Panda add chin ups (alternate wide grip and close grip), push ups, triceps dips and squats too. They work a variety of muscle groups at once.

Cut out Potato and soft drinks too.

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Anything is better than nothing but listen closely to what these guys have been saying.

It would also help to set yourself a goal. Something achievable like dropping body fat by 5% in 6 months and then finding the best plan to do so. It's all about diet. There can't be any compromise including mayo and cheese :-p it all makes a difference and to have a flat tummy it really does take a lot of dedication and sacrifice.

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