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Weight Training For Beginners


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yes wagnman, only doing arms, chest, back etc on different nights.

I dont normally do the same muscle 2 days in a row, not enough time for mine to rest, recover and grow.

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Its really good to see some of the funny replies and the serious ones to because there is truth in all of them . As I said there is so much information out there and everyone has and has there own ideas on what works and what doesn't you only have to pick up a bodybuilding mag or even a mens health to see that there is 10 different exercises for every muscle in your body and everyone will tell you that theres is the best , the funny thing is most of the people writing these articles have never lifted a weight in there lives they just take something that someone else has written about and put there own little spin on it but in saying that what they write about will work and you will get the results but they will vary greatly from person to person .

KV can only tell you about my experience and those who I was involved with . 10 years ago I was 114kg ( 6ft 2inch ) bicep 19inch chest 114 cm waist 32 inch 4% body fat and all the other muscle groups to go with it . I ate like a horse 8 times a day and used around $3 $400 a month of supplements not to mention the real scary part 3 x $3500 a year 12 week cycle of steroids , growth and test injections . I did this for 4 years and when I look back I wish id never done any of if . I lost good friends and even family and what for a good body . That sort of S**T stay away from , you might look good but at what cost .

KV the best advice I can give is for you to enjoy your time at gym and have fun doing weights . All the advice given to you here from all the guys will work for you , just keep in mind that there is far more to life than looking at yourself in the mirror .

to all the other boys out there thanks for some giggles with your clever comments its good to have a reality check from time to time .

I can understand what you are saying, My yearly bill was around the $10,000 mark, sometimes more, I know it was at least $1000 per month

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tried my chest today, couldnt get the workout intesnse enough in my pecs. tried adjusting form but kept feeling like a arm workout. hmmm

I did

dumbell flys

dumbell press

incline press

incline fly

and a range of push ups which felt more of a pec workout than the others.

might have to do more of the pec dec machine instead

Edited by Ford Freak
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Forms off, probably too heavy.

Bench press should be a staple in any chest workout yeah? I did mine today too, off day cause no sleep from night shift but still got through it so not to bad.

Mine was..

Bench Press

Dumbell Press


Peck deck

Tri Dips

Tri pull downs

Ab stuff

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tried my chest today, couldnt get the workout intesnse enough in my pecs. tried adjusting form but kept feeling like a arm workout. hmmm

I did

dumbell flys

dumbell press

incline press

incline fly

and a range of push ups which felt more of a pec workout than the others.

If arms are coming into it FF means too much weight, decrease weight and slow down reps, 2 sec up 3 sec down. When up top try and squeeze your pecs in a way there touching each other.
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It's amazing how if you think it's too light you just slow it down with prefect form and squeeze at the top like paz said and it becomes so much harder.

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yer I tried adjusting things, but cause im easing back into it, I didnt think 5kg in each hand was too much for the flys (no laughing!!!!!!!!!)

obviously more for the press

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Fella's where your decline, you need decline, FF doing to many flys. Try decline dumbell press, incline bench press, barbell bench, dumbell pullovers, then 1 week incline flys, and the next flat flyes, and so on.

Edited by PAZZOnegger
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