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Weight Training For Beginners


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This is something I know quite a bit about . 15 years ago I was a addict , spending 7 days a week 2 hours a day in the gym and then every 3rd day injecting or swallowing something ( don't need to go into details or I will be here all day ) .

Dillz Brods rbjet you are all spot on . Heavy weights ( as heavy as you can go ) and as many reps as you can do with that weight ( always have a spotter ) will build strength and then size . Notice I said strength then size because that's how it works even with a little help form a 3mm syringe 23gauge 1&1/4 inch needle just what you need to get nice a deep into that muscle , and lots of light reps to get that that muscle group cut and defined .

KV BABY there is so much more to getting into shape than going to the gym but well done for starting in the right place , just don't pay any attention to all the meat heads you see that think they could bench press a tank , or bicep curl a engine block most of them couldn't lift anywhere near what they think they can with the right technique and that's what it all boils down to DO IT RIGHT AND YOU WILL SEE RESULTS .

1/ get your diet right . It is so important to feed your body what it needs when it needs it , breakfast lunch & dinner are not enough supplements are also needed . Once you start working out your body screams for them.

2/ get you training right . learn to lift properly and never over train a muscle . A over trained muscle is as bad as not training a muscle at all .

3/ combine weights with cardio . More weights that cardio though remember if you are not eating right and doing lots of high impact exercise you will start to break down the proteins in your muscles to feed your body reducing muscle mass.

4/ lots and lots of rest . The body repairs itself and muscle grows when you are at rest even better if asleep and always have a high protein drink made with water not milk even low fat before bed . Stay away from pre made ones they are full of sugar .

KV BABY as I said I could rite a novel on this subject and fill your head with all sorts of stuff that some people would agree with and others disagree . There is no magic bandaid to loosing weight and building muscle it all comes down to YOU WILL ONLY GET OUT OF IT WHAT YOU PUT IN and that includes hard work and a good diet , and I promise you it will work . Remember that your DNA and genetics play the biggest part in all of this . Everyone no mater who you are has the ability to build a bigger better faster stronger body , but everybody's results will be different and that is something no one change without playing darts with your ass and that is a road you don't want to go down .

Good luck with it mate , I hope you reach your goals .

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carrying a carton home from the pub will do the trick, pity I now live across the road from a Dan Murphy's. So now it's just bicep curls with 375g which gets lighter with every rep. I also do other arm excersizes which has left my forearms looking like a fiddler crabs.

"From what Ive heard off a few blokes, is that ive "got the size" - The gym junkies should know what I mean?"

Yeah mate but they swing that way so they say that to all the boys.

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A lot of lighter reps is better for building than less, heavier reps. Then increase the weights for more strength.

Also don't do the same exercises every day. Muscle needs time to heal and takes longer to do so than 24hours. Do arms, chest day 1, stomach, back day 2, legs day 3, 1 day off start again. Throw in cardio every day.

..........DO NOT USE LESS WEIGHT, heavier weights burn more calories as you need more energy to move it. Stick to basics KV, Deadlifts,Benchpress,Shoulder press,Squats,Romainian deadlifts. Using less weight will also fark up joints in the body later in life. Cardio only burns fat when doing it, weights burn fat for upto 3 hours, you will need 1.5 to 2 grams of protien per kg of LEAN body mass, so if you weigh 100kg more than likely you have about 80 to 85kg of lean mass. So will need about to be safe 170grams a day. .................OH by the weigh back up to 109kg girls. Edited by pazzo xr6t
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, and lots of light reps to get that that muscle group cut and defined...Dont do this even when cutting, lift as heavy as you can even when dieting, as lifting baby weight will shrink muscle as it thinks it does not need to be as big to lift baby weight. Stay away from pre made ones they are full of sugar Always have simple sugar after you train, like Powerade, with protien powder, as the simple sugar will give instant energy, if you don't the protien in water will always be used ans energy, and muscle won"t recover.,.

.................As you see I have fixed what he said. Edited by pazzo xr6t
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best protien snack is vegemite and lo fat cheese. both around 25% protien and cheap as fark. Slap it on thick on whole grain bread and wash it down with a roast chook and you'll look like Lou Ferrigno in no time.

oh and tigers blood, lots and lots of tigers blood

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Couldn't agree more pazzo. I've done my cert 111 in fitness and that hit the nail smack on the head.

All I can add is focus on the big muscle groups to get your metabolism and mass up etc. Basically the legs and chest I'm simpler form.

Keep the protein up and count calories if you can.

I aim for 100grams of protein and about 2000 calories per day. But I prefere a leaner figure rather than a fully built one. Good foods to eat that will help to get that kind of intake but remain full can be things like Tuna in spring water, lentils, chicken without the skin etc. keep an eye on your carb intake as well if your not doing a lot of cardio ie: no more than 4 bits of whole meal bread a day. Limit intake of pasta etc.

Give the muscle group you worked at least 48 hours recovery time trust me you will hinder efforts if you do otherwise.

To start with I couldn't recommend a personal trainer more to set up a first time routine. Plus you will always work harder when they are at your side!

Best of luck anyways! If you have any other questions feel free to Pm

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Diet is crucial, probably even more so then lifting the weights IMO. KV if you got your diet right your wouldn't even need to go to the gym if you didn't want too. Your bike and that would be more then enough to tone up.

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To add as soon as you wake up a small protien shake to put you back in a anobolic sate, not catabolic, The word breakfast means BREAK the FAST.

Edited by pazzo xr6t
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