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Poor Radio Reception - Issue Fixed

Jake F6

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Hi guys,

I have been struggling with terrible radio reception for quite a while now on my FG F6 - Binks Ford could not fix it either.... :f*ckyou:

So today, I inspected the rear windscreen (where the glass integrated antenna is), all looked ok. I then took off the passenger side C-Pillar cover, to reveal a connector box which has both the demister and the antenna plugged into it. All plugs were in tightly, however I unplugged them, and plugged them back in just to be sure.

What do you know - perfect reception, even on AM which was previously non-existent !!!

I'm very happy. :locomotive:

Give this a go if you have poor radio reception.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Ok an update.

The radio reception is cr@p again...

I think that the little connector box (which apparently is also an antenna amplifier) might be ro0ted.

I can get the reception to become good, just by disconnecting the and reconnecting the wires to this box, but it then goes back to being hopeless a few minutes later.

It's as if I'm resetting this amplifier box by disconnecting power, but it goes back to cr@p after a few minutes... I might have to get this box replaced by Ford.

Anyone heard of this?


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I had a different issue, when rear demister turned on, the radio reception would disapear. Ford could not work out why it was happeneing, so replaced the entire windscreen under warranty. Luck y for me becuase apparently it would have cost approx 800 to get Ford to replace it!

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Mines sh*t too, I thought it was the window tint affecting the antenna.

My AM reception disappeared after I got window tinting on rear window. According to the guy who did my tint this is normal.

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  • 4 months later...
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Ok an update.

The radio reception is cr@p again...

I think that the little connector box (which apparently is also an antenna amplifier) might be ro0ted.

I can get the reception to become good, just by disconnecting the and reconnecting the wires to this box, but it then goes back to being hopeless a few minutes later.

It's as if I'm resetting this amplifier box by disconnecting power, but it goes back to cr@p after a few minutes... I might have to get this box replaced by Ford.

Anyone heard of this?


Ok - I think this time I fixed it for good!

I actually purchased an "FG radio amplifier / booster box" from FTG Autosalvage, but whilst testing with this new box, and my one at the C-pillar, I relaised what the issue was....

The box is earthed by the bolt thta holds the it mounted to the C-pillar, but this point actually seems to provide an extremely poor and intermittent earth connection!

The solution - see picture attached, I got an alternat earth which seemed much better from an adjacent bolt. Now the reception is flawless!

Another issue that Ford warranty was unable to fix, and I had to fix at my own expense and in my own time....



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  • Turboless
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Great work on continuing on with this thread after awhile! And looks like a decent fix has been found. Maybe fords in general have sh*t earthing? The one in the engine bay causes trouble to some people too I've read.

Well done again and thanks for sharing! :spoton:

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