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South Cruise


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so are people not able to make it or is it just that there are minimal tassie members? what happened to all the guys who were active earlier on in the year? even if you are unable to make it just let us know on here so atleast her xr6 turbo knows who still is active and who to contact for future cruises.

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  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 13y 2m 25d
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Hobart, Tasmania

South Cruise 2011

DATE: 27 December 2011


(Photo taken at Dunalley)

DESCRIPTON: Sadly humms will be leaving us in the New Year. Being this he would like to enjoy some of our brilliant Tassie Roads in his XR6 Turbo ute before he goes. (I couldn't turn down the opportunity for a cruise)

Let's hope we have that small chance in Tassie to have some good weather to make it all that much better!

As XR6 Turbo's seem to be a rare thing here, if you have friends with XR6's or XR8's who would like to join, they're more than welcome. (Please let me know if this is the case)

Please come along, have a great time, enjoy our cars & meet other XR6 Turbo enthusiasts!

MEET: At the end of Pedder Street, New Norfolk (New Norfolk Pool). Departure at 9am.

The car park should be able to accommodate us all, and this would be a great spot for some piccies next to the river.

Please note that at the end of the road is gravel. If you have any concerns, please let me know.


ROUTE: Today I was lucky enough to have awesome weather on a weekend, so I decided to take the Turbo out for a spin down the Peninsula. BRILLIANT! It was amazing coming up over a hills and all you can see is the beaches.

481km approx 6.5 hours




  • Sufficient fuel in your tank.
  • CB Radio (Santa maybe bringing me a set for Christmas so I may have a spare)
  • Camera

FUEL: 98 RON can be found at the following;

(I am sure there are others but these are the ones I can think of at the moment.)

  • Shell New Norfolk
  • Caltex New Norfolk
  • United Bridgewater
  • Shell Brighton
  • BP Brighton
  • BP Sorell
  • Shell Sorell
  • Shell Dunalley


1. Obey all laws whilst on the cruise; this means no speeding, no overtaking over double lines (no matter how safe you think it may be), etc...

2. There is a designated cruise leader who will lead the way and set the correct pace for all cruise members.

3. Use the Buddy system - always make sure you can see the car behind you. This will give people behind you an indication on where to turn to make sure nobody gets lost.

4. CB Radios - if you don't have one, follow the maps and directions given out. It is highly recommended to have CB as it enhances the enjoyment of the cruise being able to hear about road hazards and join in on the social chatter.

5. Please turn up to the meeting points with a sufficient fuel in your tank and enough time before the departure time.

6. Onus is on the owner/driver to ensure their vehicle is safe to drive on public roads and meets State road traffic authority laws.

7. Please ensure you have a contingency plan if you have a breakdown or unnecessarily delayed. e.g. Roadside Assistance or a mate in another car who is willing to stay with you if necessary.

8. If you wish to post this cruise up on any other social media site e.g. facebook, myspace, twitter - please obtain permission from the Cruise Controller/Mod organising the cruise first.

9. By attending this cruise you agree not to hold FordXR6Turbo.com, it's Administrators, Moderators, Cruise Controllers, or Owner responsible / liable for any damage and / or grief sustained (simply; you are responsible for your own actions).


Police ph 000

Ambulance ph 000

Fire ph 000

Injured Wildlife ph 03 6233 6556

RACT ph 13 11 11


  1. Her XR6 Turbo
  2. humms
  3. micheal


  1. turbochooka

Edited by Her XR6 Turbo
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  • Member For: 13y 6m 20d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Tasmania

Sounds good guys and nice work setting this up, I'm not sure yet but might be going down Nubeena for a bit of a break but if I don't I will come but as I have to work on the 28th I will leave from New Norfolk and go about half way !!


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  • Cruise Whore
  • Moderating Team
  • Member For: 19y 5m 5d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Melbourne

Alas Her, you know what they say about too much of a good thing :roflmbo:


Anyway, tried to replicate your cursive touch but to no avail - put it down to fat thumbs - hope it goes well for you and the crew down down under :thumbsup:

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