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M2 is pretty dear.. like $50 for half a Litre dear..

Iv always run premix in all my race Rotaries as protection and to lube the combustion system as I had deleted the factory oil injection system..

used a 1L bottle per 205 drum or 200-1 e85..

iv tested MOST of the recommended premix oils and for e85 Castor oil is a MUST !!!!

The best and easiest to come across is Castrol R30.. its avail at supercheap for about $30/L but is becoming scarce these days..

Klotz oil that's used in RC cars and GoKarts is also a good thing.. $70 for 5L..

Iv used 044s and 1600cc injectors for 1000s of street Ks and 100 or so passes on the strip and never had a failure or blockage and I reckon a lot has to do with premixing..

I honestly dont know why its not more widespread as its benefits are positive all round..

In my opinion I can see absolutely no reason y an occasional premixed tank wont do the car and the fuel system a world of good..

I reckon about 150ml per tank (60L) every 5 or so tanks would be a good cleanout and lube of the system....

im pretty sure im gunna include a weak premix (300-1 or 200ml per tank) in my e85 tune when I have it done shortly as I wont be using it for more than drag racing and see it as a good safeguard and a bit of insurance for the stock block in general...

Yeah this is what I was thinking but there is very little info on it. I was going to only do a tank every 5 or so. So the castor oil is a must. Is this purely for lubrication similar to the m2 stuff?

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Yeah this is what I was thinking but there is very little info on it. I was going to only do a tank every 5 or so. So the castor oil is a must. Is this purely for lubrication similar to the m2 stuff?

Mate its purely for the solubility of it in the Ethanol..

Some 2 stroke oils mix great with unleaded but are terrible with e85 and vice versa.. Caster oils with ethanol as said are a must..

The castor oils mix and dilute perfectly in e85.. im sure m2 does the same, and the lucas product mentioned above the same too..

The ones I recommended are purely based on cost effectiveness, availability and performance..

The Lucas stabiliser and M2 have extra additives but I cant comment on wether they are better products or not.. but they are more expensive and can be difficult to locate sometimes..

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  • RNS10S
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Response from Caltex:


Caltex Australia has made no formulation changes to E-Flex petrol and there have been no apparent issues at any of the terminals that blend and supply the product. This product was only ever intended for use in vehicles equipped with engine management systems designed to recognise varying petrol ethanol mixtures in the range 85% down to zero. People operating engines where a fixed (exact) level of ethanol is required would have to make their own arrangements. Out of interest, what industry recognised method (e.g. ASTM/IP etc.) are you using to measure ethanol content?


Caltex Australia Lubelink

I called Lubelink and got a hold of one of their techs who believes that water may be the culprit (I agree) , they are going to investigate and get back to me.

Sounded like an honest guy who seemed like he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Will keep you posted.

No response from Caltex, filled up at Casula yesterday and ethanol content is back up to 71%.

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Thanks for clearing that up

I was mistaken

I thought he was referring to p100 which is the bees knees

Unfortunately it looks like the end of P100. United are discontinuing it.

I had my VF Late model camira tuned on it and then added headers, cat back and OTR and then tuned on 98. Car made the same power as timing had to be taken out. Just shows how good P100 is. If they decide to keep it I will retune on P100.

As for my F6. If the P100 disappears I will just blend E85 and 98 to get the P100 equivalent. I dont drive it much

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Ive never been one to care for fuel economy in a performance car, but im curious, what are all you e85 lads getting out of a full tank? Im running e85 race blend from united with an aeromotive a1000 pump, id1000s, surge tank etc etc through a zf and im just getting 300km a tank. ODO says im averaging 13.1 at the moment but that is definitely a lie. Guessing the standard computer doesnt take e85 into account??

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  • Member For: 12y 7m 23d
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Can vouch for the smell. No matter how smelly your passengers are, e85 will wipe that smell within a few kms of driving. Had maccas in the car last night and it smelt like sh*t. Went for a boost and presto e85 cologne ftw

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