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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 12y 7m 10d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Central Coast

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't what manufacturers deem stoich to be technically rich as there is still unburnt fuel leaving the combustion chamber?

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 17d
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Stoich is the cleanest overall but some gases are lesser with richer or leaner conditions, but stoich is the best balance and is considered to be the cleanest level, many people think that running lean is cleaner but this is not the case and why cars do not have lean cruise anymore

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  • The Toxic Rocket
  • Donating Members
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A mate of mine is running e40-5 in his late 90's 4cyl Magna. Loves it, has the timing wound out 14 degrees advanced on the distributor cap lol, ran consistent 16.9's at Calder last Friday

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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 12y 7m 10d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Central Coast

Ah fair enough

I was always under the impression that an E85 tune could afford to go leaner than stoich on light cruise due to lower flame temps and calorific value per liter than 98.

Learn something new everyday

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  • Member For: 21y 8m 13d
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I found that E85 actually runs better leaner. I disconnected closed loop and leaned off the injectors to run leaner than stoich air fuel ratios on light acceleration and cruise and I think it runs much better than running at stoich. I am talking about 18:1 petrol air fuel ratios. However I noticed that there was not really much improvement in fuel economy for some reason.

The tuning window for E85 is much wider than petrol, I think the lean misfire limit was around19:1 but in some instance higher.

You might be able to tune E85 leaner and not affect emissions too much as the cooler temps don't push up NOx too much.

The problem is you can't learn very much with the Ford ECU flash tuning, You really need a live tuning EMS to learn about tuning and different fuels.

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