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Re: Paulies post

If a single pump shuts off under load (egg blown fuse) it will not cause damage from my experience.

If a single pump becomes weak and does not deliver as it once did then yes it could. However this remains with every car anyway, modified or not.

In a duel pump setup it just brings another risk into the situation that I have never been comfortable with in a street car and has never really been needed until high ethanol fuels arrived. Now fuel system design is even more important due to the destructive effects of ethanol as something going wrong is higher compared to non ethanol fuels.

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I was discussing this with Wiggum the other day and he connected up his boost-a-spark as a test. Sounds like a goer if you just want that extra bit more whilst on-boost.

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Nice to see people are finally using boost a spark andnboost a pump devices. Someone told me recently the pumps will die very fast but kenne bell have been using this technology for decades. Nice to see

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 12y 1m 6d

Out of interest how many of you guys are using the fuel addictive with your e85 such as vp upper lube or the Lucas product

I've been running united E85 for the past 13000km. After getting the car tuned on E85 the first 6000km the car ran and idled perfect. Then over the next 5000km the car would occasionally stall when coming to a stop and idle a bit rough , made it hard to diagnose because 80% of the time the car would run fine .

I started using Lucas upper cylinder lube and after three tanks the car started running perfect again and hasn't stalled or run rough for the past 1000km. Now when stopped the only way I can tell the car is running is if I look at the tacho. Im still not sure what the issue was but the car runs perfect now so im going to run it in the tank from now on.

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  • Member For: 12y 1m 6d

Yeah fuel filter was the first thing I had changed when I started having issues but it made no difference.

Could the upper cylinder lube also be good for injectors and fuel reg??? That's the only thing I can put it down to as its obviously not a tune related issue because the car idled perfect for the first 6000km before having any issues and now after running the upper cylinder lube the car is now running perfect again.

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  • RNS10S
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  • Member For: 18y 6m 15d
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I use Lucas Safeguard, designed for ethanlo use.

I use it every 3-4 tanks and car runs silky smooth

Safeguard™ Ethanol Fuel Conditioner with Stabilizers

Lucas Safeguard™ Ethanol Fuel Conditioner with Stabilizers was developed to
specifically address issues associated with using ethanol based fuels.
This applies to E-10, E-15, E-85, pure ethanol and any mixtures in between including gasoline.
Our Product is completely soluble in all ethanol fuels and will not harm filters.
Lucas Safeguard™ Ethanol Fuel Conditioner with Stabilizers contains effective additives
to prevent rust and corrosion associated with the use of ethanol fuels.

Key Benefits:

• Cleans injectors, valve seats, combustion chambers and other critical fuel components

• Stabilizes fuel and prevents varnish & gum formation in ethanol and gasoline

• Combats deposits and protects your engine oil lubricants from the
harmful effects of alcohol combustion

Safeguard™ treats up to 80 gallons of ethanol fuel.
One ounce treats five gallons of ethanol fuel.
Our new 5.25 oz bottle treats up to 25 gallons of ethanol fuel.
Recommended for use in automobile and marine applications.


Edited by rednose
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