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  • Member For: 17y 5m 26d
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I havnt tried sucrogen, but ive been buying the cheetah race fuels version, I always check on the dyno to make sure everything is where it should be.

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  • Member For: 15y 4m 1d

Using mainly Caltex Eflex or United!

4 Caltex sites with E85 within 20 mins of my house is real handy!

yes... one about 10min from my joint as well... I emailed Caltex asking about their pricing on E85... they quoted that on average its around 30c/L cheaper than Vortex... considering the quality of Vortex...I think that's great value.... even considering E85 consumption is slightly higher.

Edited by SipposBFT
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  • Flat out like a lizard drinkin !
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Just a heads up fellas, Not to burst a bubble or anything. Im just making sure everyone knows before they go the E85 way. Our company run a fleet of Vehicles and we Chose to run the ethanol mixed fuel in them all to save the dollar. they are around the 50000 klm mark on the odometer and are having stem seal problems along with other Head related issues, that was diagnosed to be from the Ethanol fuel.

Ethanol may be great but it is a bi product and what comes cheep most usually is not the best thing in the long run as Facts told us. I just hope that this can help those that wish to keep there engine for the Long haul.

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Hey just my two cents but most of us here in Adelaide run 50/50 mix of e85 with BP 98 or united 100. Works well with good results achieved and due to the fast burning rate of the e85 when mixed with 98 the fuel consumtion is therefore stretched. Things like fuel injectors and fuel pumps don't have to run to there maximum either. Other problems relating to stem seal probe etc would be reduced also. Just something to think about. Cheers

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  • Member For: 21y 8m 21d
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Can you clarify what you mean by valve stem seals problem and other head related issues. What vehicles has it affected. I cant see this being a major problem to get around if it is eating up the valve stem seals. It just means they have to start making them in a better material.

Its got nothing to do with ethanol being an inferior fuel. I'd like to use it in WA but am not gonna be a -anker and pay over $2 a litre for it over here and drive home to fill out of drum. Got better things to do.

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