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Fg Aircon Smell


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  • Member For: 14y 10m 25d
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  • Location: WA - South of the River

Hi all some help please. My 2009 FG XR6T aircon system has developed a really bad smell - like cat pee. It has been back to Ford twice - the first time they treated it with an anti-bacterial product. Smell was gone for 1 day. I treated it myself with an over the counter product Auto Glym sanitiser - good for a day. I installed a filter - still no change. It seems to happen at start up in recirc mode. I usually leave it on vent mode and this seems to be a little better. The second time it went to Ford they checked the system and could not find a problem - I was told to monitor and report back to them - will be doing this very soon. However, before I do any idea what may be causing the smell and more importantly; how do I get rid of it. All help appreciated.

Edited by FG09T
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  • Member For: 21y 5m 25d
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Had a similar problem and I found that if you wack the heater on high for a few mins I gets rid of it.

Another thing you might want to get in the habit of doing is to turn off the air con prior to turning the car off.

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Turn on aircon to max, close all doors, and then spray a quarter of a can of Glen20 into the air-intake (2 minutes or so) which is underneath dash, between the front passangers legs..

Hop out when you can't stand it any more, close the door and let it run like that for 5 minutes, before switching off.

The Glen20 will kill all the bacteria that is causing the smell.

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  • Cruise Whore
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I usually drive with my air-con set to vent rather than recycle - never had an issue whenever I switch over to recycle on the few occasions I do it - like on dusty roads or in a tunnel :beerchug:

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I notice in most cars the A/C stinks on the recycled air.

that's because your not meant to run it on recycle for long periods of time.

read the handbook, this issue is actually covered.

that's why it is suggested the system is run on auto as it cycles through vent/recycle.

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  • Sucker
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It's not from a condensate leak is it...check your footwell carpets are dry after using your A/C (especially after spirited driving as that tends to exacerbate the issue)

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  • Member For: 14y 10m 25d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: WA - South of the River

Thanks to all. I tried everything mentioned and nothing worked. Took car to Ford - they pulled out the plastic window garnish and disinfected and cleaned all around. Problem fixed. They reckon a cat must of urinated on the garnish and that was where the smell was coming from. Only reason they tried this was one of the technicians said that this had happened to his car and suggested it. Anyway it worked. Cheers.

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