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Bike Riding Thread


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I think you should pay rego on what you are driving or riding at the time. Push bikes should have number plates and rego stickers to identify the person when there playing smartie pants with cars.

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 3d
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I can only be using 1 vehicle at a time so why shouldn't I only pay 1 TAC and compulsory third party.

What if I had a mountain bike that never saw use on the road, should this be registered?

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  • I <3 Floods
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I actually tend to agree with pazzo.. I'd like to see bikes paying a small amount of rego for legal reasons and carry compulsory third party insurance to ride on the road. Even though I already pay 2 regos and soon to be 3.. Admittedly 9 is pretty extreme though ratter.

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  • Member For: 14y 4m 9d
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I can only be using 1 vehicle at a time so why shouldn't I only pay 1 TAC and compulsory third party.

What if I had a mountain bike that never saw use on the road, should this be registered?

Good point Ratter but in saying that I have a off road motorcycle and pay Rec Reg even on private property, will probably never see the road with it but is forced to pay it if I want to ride on dedicated trails. Really don't want to but have to just in case. For me to ride at Mt Buller in summer Bike has to have Rec Reg even though it won't see the rd.

Edited by pazzo xr6t
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  • Member For: 18y 9m 3d
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I elected to pay full road reg on my CRF, just to cover me in all cases and situations.

Don't get me wrong I can see both sides of most arguments re bike rego's etc, but most the people I ride with allready pay rego's etc so are no free loaders.

To force rego plates etc on bikes because of a small percent of riders are idiots is a bit harsh, almost like forcing all cars to have interlocks fitted because of the drink drivers.

It's an argument that will have supporters on both sides

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